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Purging Very Old Members' Email Notifications

Tim Tyler

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I have two large IPB forums that I've been self-hosting since 2004.

Many of the older member accounts on these forums are no longer active and have currently invalid email addresses. The forum continues to send email notifications that they signed up for a long time ago. and this results in a ton of undeliverable email.

Is there a SQL query I can run that will update all accounts that haven't been active in x years to disable all outgoing email notifications?

This might be a nice feature in the Admin too. 


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Take a look at this: https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/file/310-stop-all-members-email-notifications/

I’m going to add an ACP module with some filters (joined date, last visit date, group, posts, etc.) then people will be able to choose members based on their own criteria and it will update all selected members.

Should be updated by tomorrow.

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