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Anchors within Pages & Posts


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Is it possible to add internal anchors within a webpage using the text editor? I'd like to have an index at the top of a very long page (it would be occasionally useful for posts too, hence why I need it to work with the editor).


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There's nothing in the software itself which by default allows for this. However, an anchor is a very simple HTML item, if there isn't an existing CKEditor plugin which you could install, you could create your own custom button.

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Oh dear. I downloaded the anchor and added it. I've lost all editor functions. Is there a way to wind this back.

It appears that, I think, that I should have built a whole new editor.

Ah. Just found the restore function. I've lost my own customizations to the menus, but that's a minor problem.

Is it possible to add an individual menu item (anchors)? Or do i have to build the entire this over at CKEditor?

Edited by Como
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2 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

You can add individual items to ckeditor, yes.

If It's a plugin from their site

If its something you are doing yourself



Thanks, Mark.

The addon from CKEditor appears to be incompatible. But I did manage to add the function and a button a few days ago by following the instructions here:

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