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2 questions - slow loading and web app

Rob Fielding
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Apologies if I don't provide all the details in here (not sure how to include login details for the ACP).

1. I have multiple issues with slow loading etc. I am a football forum so traffic does peak at certain times. I think some may be due to the server but I wondered if it is possible to check my settings in the ACP and see if I am optimised and if anything needs to change to help. I do have a couple of third party apps/plugins, notably Tapatalk and if they are causing any issues I am happy to unpublish them.

2. On that note, I noticed there are settings for an "app" in the ACP. I have added images etc but how would I now publicise this to my audience. If I can use an Invision app then I can definitely get rid of the Tapatalk third party app but I am not sure how to make it visible / tell my users where to get it from.

Thanks again for your help and if any of the above is unclear, I am sorry, happy to provide more details if required.



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2 hours ago, Rob Fielding said:

1. I have multiple issues with slow loading etc. I am a football forum so traffic does peak at certain times. I think some may be due to the server but I wondered if it is possible to check my settings in the ACP and see if I am optimised and if anything needs to change to help. I do have a couple of third party apps/plugins, notably Tapatalk and if they are causing any issues I am happy to unpublish them.

There isn't much there that we can really check. You would need to contact your hosting company on any performance issues. Of course in terms of 3rd party applications, you are best to disable them and check to see if that has any impact. Doing things like checking slow query logs can help to ascertain where you may have problems.

2 hours ago, Rob Fielding said:

2. On that note, I noticed there are settings for an "app" in the ACP. I have added images etc but how would I now publicise this to my audience. If I can use an Invision app then I can definitely get rid of the Tapatalk third party app but I am not sure how to make it visible / tell my users where to get it from.

This is a web app. So essentially, the browser will let them know it is available, and allow them to add the site to their desktop as an icon. Its not quite a native app as such, as you have with tapatalk. It does however, mean that you are not at the whim of tapatalk going forward.

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Thanks @Marc Stridgen great minds must think alike 😉 as I've just finished a ticket with my web host and that seems to have sorted a lot of the issues I had (so nothing to do with Invision Community but more to do with my server!).

I'm really keen on using the app and I'm aware of a web app's functionality vs a native app. However, during my tests I can't see it appear for me - is there any way to "force" it and/or any way for me to explain to users how to get it. It's just that I get a lot of requests from users for an app and this sounds perfect and it would be great if there's some way I can explain to users how to get it rather than them wait for a browser notification. I appreciate that may simply not be possible but I thought I'd ask!

Thanks again!

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4 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Its really up to the device to tell you if its present. Its certainly working on your site. What device are you using to test this?

I probably didn't explain myself too well....

I can see it myself it's more how I explain it to my audience as "You may see a pop-up" is much more difficult to sell than a "click here to get it" type call to action. My audience is generally on the older side so I was hoping for a simple "Click on this link to get it" but if that's not part of the functionality or possible then so be it.

Thanks for the help and advice on this thread though - it is appreciated!

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