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Cronjob setup

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I'm trying to properly set up the cronjob function for the task processing. However, I can't seem to get it to work. I have asked my host to run the command, they tried and came back to me with this.

I placed the ******** instead of my folder's name for privacy reasons.


I don't see any output

CT-0c4ade65-cf92-4b07-ac22-bd868cb51047 /$ /opt/cpanel/ea-php81/root/usr/bin/php -d memory_limit=-1 -d max_execution_time=0 /home/********/public_html/applications/core/interface/task/task.php f50001a0169084fe56922c2232173e65
CT-0c4ade65-cf92-4b07-ac22-bd868cb51047 /$


They've suggested that I speak to the support here.

Edited by Joey_M
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If it's a VPS or dedicated server, In the /var/log directory there should be a cron log.  Its usually "cron" or "cron.log".  It will list each cron job's run time and possibly error output.

If it's not, and you're running this from something like cPanel cron screen, I've found that sometimes you need to replace the entire php "path/php" with just "php".  If you get stuck, worst case let it run based on traffic. 

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