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I’ve tried everything. Using office365 and google workspace to no avail. I’m trying to setup the following -

using pop3 and I get an error saying the connection goes through but the password/username is incorrect. I’m using the paid for private domain emails. I have pop3 enabled (checked with office365 support and google support as I switched over to google thinking it was an office365 issue. Does anyone know of a work around or can confirm experiencing this issue? This is the exact error -Connection was established but the server rejected the login. Check the username and password and try again.

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Application developers who have built apps that send, read, or otherwise process email using these protocols will be able to keep the same protocol, but need to implement secure, Modern authentication experiences for their users. This functionality is built on top of Microsoft Identity platform v2.0 and supports access to Microsoft 365 email accounts.

If your in-house application needs to access IMAP, POP and SMTP AUTH protocols in Exchange Online, follow these step-by-step instructions to implement OAuth 2.0 authentication:  Authenticate an IMAP, POP, or SMTP connection using OAuth. Additionally, use this PowerShell script Get-IMAPAccesstoken.ps1 to test IMAP access after your OAuth enablement on your own in a simple way including the shared mailbox use case. If this is successful, just make a confident next step talk to your application owner of your vendor or internal business partner.


Not sure if this is relevant but it could be why pop3 isn’t working and giving me the username/password error cause of the changes, but regardless of it being office or google it just doesn’t work 😞

Edited by Elision Magazine
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10 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Only your email host can answer that question unfortunately, as it's the email host that is returning the message

Absolutely valid but that’s why I posted the second link it seems as though if we are using pop3 and paying for email services through google/Microsoft if you have a look they require oAuth 2.0 implementation to call to pop and the one in invision is setup using legacy pop3 structure which is depreciated due to security flaws.

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I just saw that and I sent some feedback, I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks this but you guys shouldn’t be taking that away as the main goal for any brand is an all in one platform that’s cohesive rather than forcing us to find alternative platforms which truly take away from productivity and overall hurts our usability.

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