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Market login issue.

Eduard Kripak
Go to solution Solved by Stuart Silvester,

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Hi, I have issue with login to marketplace.

Our Marketplace server received an unexpected response from your community. Please ensure your community is up to date and web accessible (localhost installations are not supported) and contact technical support if the issue persists. (server_error)


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  • Solution
10 hours ago, Eduard Kripak said:

Hi, I have issue with login to marketplace.

Our Marketplace server received an unexpected response from your community. Please ensure your community is up to date and web accessible (localhost installations are not supported) and contact technical support if the issue persists. (server_error)


You have something called pro-managed protection blocking the requests we were sending to your server.

Error text:
Host: <host>
Request: /cookies.html?cdata=8ec7ab5fdd2ece6fb2053d0814614cb6&backurl=https://f<host>/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=marketplace&pmtry=3
Protocol: HTTP/1.1
User IP: <ip>
Browser: InvisionCommunity/1.0
Timemark: 1679200791
ErrorCode: 405
ClusterNodeID: M-26


1 hour ago, tzrtim said:

Yeah, Down for me too - will put in a ticket

Your issue is something different that we're looking in to, we'll update your ticket when we have further information.

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