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Forums displayed on same line

Bob Snow
Go to solution Solved by Randy Calvert,

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I'm starting with a category. I then have or forums under the category that I would like to have the same line. I did have that when I had to forums and I don't know how I did it but I cannot repeat it. I don't like the way it's being displayed right now as in the image I've included.


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That's not what I mean. I guess I did not explain myself well, sorry.

Category and sub directory or forum. Category is called New Home and sub forums are Model, Spec, Builder, subdivision.

New Home
   Model  Spec  Builder  Subdivision


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Randy - Did not work. The Category is New Homes... - Type Category and no parent.
the forums use New Homes... as the parent and also Type Discussions
Note: the difference of New Homes (...) which is the category.
Parent Category - New Homes... 
Forums that use New Home... as Parent New Homes-Models-Specs Homes (Also Type Discussions)


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If you have new homes as type discussions, then you dont have it as a root category (it has to be under something else, which is why you are getting the result you are). The only way to get it to look like the above would be to change "New homes" to a category, ensure it has no parent, and then add discussion forums under it

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21 minutes ago, Bob Snow said:

Does the forum look at:
New Home...
New Home

as the same when adding the "..." at end of line.


You set "New Home..." as your parent (root-level) category and then "New Home" (no ...) as a discussion forum under it as a child forum.

You always need a parent category to group discussion forums. A discussion forum cannot exist otherwise.

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After two days I need a rest. I have worked solid to get the site to look like Comedy & Tragedy as seen above. Even changed the name of category to Pickles. Changed options and moved forums around. No matter what I did I could not duplicate the appearance I want.

There must be a setting some where I'm missing.


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46 minutes ago, Bob Snow said:

After two days I need a rest. I have worked solid to get the site to look like Comedy & Tragedy as seen above. Even changed the name of category to Pickles. Changed options and moved forums around. No matter what I did I could not duplicate the appearance I want.

There must be a setting some where I'm missing.


In Randy’s example, “Media and Entertainment” is his parent category and “Comedy & Tragedy” is the child discussion forum. 

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>>>In Randy’s example, “Media and Entertainment” is his parent category and “Comedy & Tragedy” is the child discussion forum.<<

Than what would Movie-TV-Music-Opera be? I was thinks it was sub Forum's of category Comedy & Tragedy.


PS I will lay out exactly what I'm doing and include the response here.

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This is how I created my Category and Forums:

Start - AdminPC
Forum - Which is empty as no Forums have been created yet.
Forum - Create new
Forum Settings - Category Name is Pickle
Type - Category
Parent Form - Nothing is Selected

Select - Select Plus-Add Forum-Display Settings-Default Sort Order-Title (Also tried "Recently Updated").

Step-2 - Return to Forum Settings
Forum Settings- Name "New Homes"
Forum Settings-Description "New Homes of Wisconsin"
Forum Settings-Type-Discussions
Forum Settings-Parent Forum "Pickles"

Now I select Visit Site.

See included image "Pickle-NewHome.png"


Now I open up Forum Settings and the following is displayed: Pickle as Category & New Home as Forum.

New Home is displayed as Forum ( New Homes is indented under Pickle).
I  now repeat Step-2 for Builder.
So now I include image "Pickle-New Home-Builder.png"

What I'm looking is like the following:

Pickle (Category)
    New Home  Builder
(The 2 forums of the category).


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19 minutes ago, Bob Snow said:

Pickle (Category)
    New Home  Builder
(The 2 forums of the category).

It would not be possible to have New Homes and Builders to be displayed like a sub-forum do. This has been the explanation provided above. If you add a sub-forum to New Homes or Builders, you will get the arrow notation for those sub-forums.

Categories do not house topics; they are just containers for forums (which house topics). 


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>>If you add a sub-forum to New Homes or Builders, you will get the arrow notation for those sub-forums.<<

I'm not trying to add a sub-forum to New Homes or Builder. I'm trying to get a display as Randy has. It seems he has a category which has 5 forums. Unless what I think are forums are actually just titles to his displayed information.


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55 minutes ago, Bob Snow said:

>>If you add a sub-forum to New Homes or Builders, you will get the arrow notation for those sub-forums.<<

I'm not trying to add a sub-forum to New Homes or Builder. I'm trying to get a display as Randy has. It seems he has a category which has 5 forums. Unless what I think are forums are actually just titles to his displayed 

Believe there is some confusion here because this is what Randy did. 

Randy’s “Comedy & Tradegy” is at the same level as your “New Homes” or “Builder” forums. Not your “Pickles” category. You would simply need to add a sub-forum to either of those forums to get that display. 

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>>Believe there is some confusion<<

Yes Randy I must admit there is confusion on my side. I definitely want to understand the subject matter were talking about. Let's take a look at the Randy image.

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I see:
Category - Comedy & Tragedy
Forum - Movies, TV, Music, Opera, Live

Before I take this any further am I correct?


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2 minutes ago, Bob Snow said:

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I see:
Category - Comedy & Tragedy
Forum - Movies, TV, Music, Opera, Live

Before I take this any further am I correct?

That is incorrect. The category is out of scope of the screenshot taken. In the screenshot quoted below, from his ACP, you can see the category is "Media & Entertainment". 

As mentioned, "Comedy & Tragedy" is a discussion forum at the same level as your “New Homes” or “Builder” forums


On 1/5/2023 at 8:21 PM, Randy Calvert said:

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So than Comedy & Tragedy is not my Pickle, right?

Then what is Comedy & Tragedy if not a category. Or are we looking at two categories been involved here.

  1. Media & Entertainment
  2. Comedy & Tragedy

If that is the case how do my forums fit into this so I end up with a display as you see here.

I'm sorry about my confusion here but my whole site is most likely going to end up looking like the above image providing I can get a handle on this.


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9 minutes ago, Bob Snow said:

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So than Comedy & Tragedy is not my Pickle, right?

Then what is Comedy & Tragedy if not a category. Or are we looking at two categories been involved here.

  1. Media & Entertainment
  2. Comedy & Tragedy

If that is the case how do my forums fit into this so I end up with a display as you see here.

I'm sorry about my confusion here but my whole site is most likely going to end up looking like the above image providing I can get a handle on this.


Comedy & Tragedy can be a discussion forum or category, whatever you choose. You just need to add sub-forums to it to obtain what Randy did here. Movies, TV and Streaming services, Music, Opera, and Live Theater & Broadway are all sub-forums o Comedy & Tragedy.

The only thing to remember here is that a forum cannot be a root level element, only a category can be.

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WOW got it to show Sub, but.
I deleted "New Homes" and the image changed to see second image, stacked forums. I'm almost there.

Can I get ride of "Pickle" instead of "New Home". I think my solution is dependent on "New Home". If so why?

Can you explain to me what actually took place.


In other words I think I know what I'm doing but I don't know why.

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40 minutes ago, Bob Snow said:


Root-level categories are like the foundation, exterior walls, and roof of a house. Without it, your forums would be scattered, just like you and your belongings would be without the foundations of your house. At most basic explanation, root-level categories help you organize your forums/sub-forums into categories so that your users can find them better. In example, take the "Support" category here on our community, it helps categorize the 3 support-esc forums here: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/180-support/

46 minutes ago, Bob Snow said:

I deleted "New Homes" and the image changed to see second image, stacked forums. I'm almost there.

As you have only 1 forum there, the software would simplify that down for ease of viewing. Otherwise, the user would have to click into "Builders" to see anything, which is unnecessary .

45 minutes ago, Bob Snow said:

Can I get ride of "Pickle" instead of "New Home". I think my solution is dependent on "New Home". If so why?

You cannot as "Pickle" is your root-level category.


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>>take the "Support" category here on our community, it helps categorize the 3 support-esc forums here:>>
Ok. I will be taking some time to further study this.All so I finally did get the sub forums to display as I wanted.

Thanks for all the help both Jim & Randy. I have a better understanding on a lot of things.




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