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Default font and text size

Black Zero
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Can the default font and text size of the CKEditor text box be changed?

Tell me how it will happen??  I want to change the CKEditor default font and size in my forum. My forum is hosted on self hosting.Please advise me

Edited by Black Zero
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Marc St
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edit your globalTemplate template and add the following prior to the closing </body> and save your template.

	if(typeof CKEDITOR !='undefined'){
		CKEDITOR.addCss(".cke_editable{cursor:text; font-size: 20px; font-family: Georgia;}");

What does it do...

  1. If there is a CKEDITOR on the page then...
  2. It changes the CSS of the editor to be the font/font-size you want and then...
  3. It changes the label of the font dropdown box and...
  4. It changes the label of the font size dropdown box.


Could contain: Page, Text, Plot, Chart

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18 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

edit your globalTemplate template and add the following prior to the closing </body> and save your template.

	if(typeof CKEDITOR !='undefined'){
		CKEDITOR.addCss(".cke_editable{cursor:text; font-size: 20px; font-family: Georgia;}");

What does it do...

  1. If there is a CKEDITOR on the page then...
  2. It changes the CSS of the editor to be the font/font-size you want and then...
  3. It changes the label of the font dropdown box and...
  4. It changes the label of the font size dropdown box.


Could contain: Page, Text, Plot, Chart

Its amazing dear
Its working now. Also tell me its left element so that it starts 😀 writing from default left

and if set default colour etc ???

Edited by Black Zero
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Change the addCss line to add the following (changing the code for the color as desired)

color:#27ae60 !important;

The "!important" is important.


	if(typeof CKEDITOR !='undefined'){
		CKEDITOR.addCss(".cke_editable{cursor:text; font-size: 20px; font-family: Georgia; color:#27ae60 !important}");


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You're going to need some extra CSS in your theme to change the displayed content to match what you want them to display - the above only controls the defaults used in the Editor, and anything entered will not have any html tags/styles added to them by default, so will need to be handled.


The above content is using the defaults on here...it's html code is:

	You&#39;re going to need some extra CSS in your theme to change the displayed content to match what you want them to display - the above only controls the defaults used in the Editor, and anything entered will not have any html tags/styles added to them by default, so will need to be handled.

However, if I manually change an element of the font it becomes...

	You&#39;re going to need some extra CSS in your theme to change the displayed content to match what you want them to display - <span style="color:#e74c3c;">the above only controls the def</span>aults used in the Editor, and anything entered will not have any html tags/styles added to them by def<span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS,cursive;">ault, so will need</span> to be handled.

...and that contains the styles that enforce the changes on the displayed content:

Could contain: Page, Text, File

You'll need something to handle the items that are not styled - I'm not a theme guy, so no idea what specific areas you'll have to modified in your theme.

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6 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

You'll need something to handle the items that are not styled - I'm not a theme guy, so no idea what specific areas you'll have to modified in your theme.

I think you can solve it. Can you please find the solution for me. I can wait for that.

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3 hours ago, Black Zero said:

Tell me how it will happen??  I want to change the CKEditor default font and size in my forum. My forum is hosted on self hosting.Please advise me

You do not have an active self-hosted license, and your expired self-hosted license is associated to a domain that does not resolve. 

Please clarify how you are "self-hosting", and at what URL.

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