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signature Error While Editing...


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I have no logs or report logs however getting error saying "An error has occured" while editing image and link for that image from one of my members and I redone it on my end and also getting the same error.

  1. I added an image to the signature and while the image is highlighted I click "LInk" from the editor bar and it does insert the URL and save - No errors  
  2. Double-click the image and a tab opens up to able to edit the URL link, edited the link with no problems and doesn't matter if it's https:// or without as it detects and adds HTTP anyway - Seems to be all good also, well from my point of view.
  3. However, When the image is highlighted and select "Link" from the editor bar, I myself  I get an error saying "An error has occurred" - Yep - now is an error

Anyone else gets it?? I mean should get unlink open but nothing

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I had the same issue recently. Adding a link worked just fine but editing it caused an error.


It turned out to be Mod Security, there was a rule trigger it when a URL parameter contained https://. Once that rule was disabled the error disappeared. You'll need to ask your hosting about it.

Edited by teraßyte
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15 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

I had the same issue recently. Adding a link worked just fine but editing it caused an error.


It turned out to be Mod Security, there was a rule trigger it when a URL parameter contained https://. Once that rule was disabled the error disappeared. You'll need to ask your hosting about it.

Never had this error before unless IPB made or chnaged there software. Are you using Cloudflare also? 

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Well, no idea if this is the right code to add to htaccess as I do not have mod_security options on shared hosting ;( 

If this does work from the Htaccess then I can tell you that I still get the error from the signature. 

<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

No idea if that's the right code input though as that is based before 2006 I think. Simple fast way for me at the moment

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If this is Shared hosting, it's unlikely that the mod_security settings can be overridden on a per-account basis in an .htaccess file, but that's something only your Host would be able to tell you.

I'd first ask them if mod_security is actually in use and, if it is, can it be turned off completely, even briefly for testing.

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