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More upgrade woes

Elliot Marx

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Database and backup are from version 4.7

I've tried installing version 4.7 and 4.7.4 as clean installations and even a blank forum doesn't run.

Where do I find the server error log? I just keep seeing this one error message. And if I continue to wipe out the directory and reinstall it keeps happening. I've made sure it points to a database with the correct username and password too.

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I would ask, what is it you are trying to achieve here? You stated you "Started a fresh installation", but from the rest of what you have said it sounds like you are trying to restore a backup. So in the latter case you would not be installing anything. Please could you provide exactly what you have done?

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If you were upgrading your IPB version...  you most likely were upgrading to the latest version.  

#1 - The new version requires at least PHP8.  Are you running PHP8 or PHP8.1?  (If not, you need to be to run the latest version.)

#2 - If you meet all of the system requirements, including the PHP version...  you most likely have a 3rd party resource that is causing problems.  You can try using recovery mode to disable everything and let you try to login with everything turned off.  You can then turn on resources one by one to figure out your problem child.  

When you use recovery mode...  you set the specific variable in your constants.php file.  (If you don't have one, you create one.)  Then login to the ACP...  you'll get a message saying everything is being disabled.  Once done, you'll need to remove the recovery variable (or delete the constants file if that was all that was in it.)  From there hopefully you'll be able to login to your ACPa again.


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My forum stopped working after I did the upgrade from 4.7.2 to 4.7.4. This is the error I get:

An error occurred (500 Error)

We're sorry, but a temporary technical error has occurred which means we cannot display this site right now.

You can try again by clicking the button below, or try again later.

Try again
Seems nothing I do at this point can fix it. I've tried to go back to previous working versions and even tried installing a clean forum with zero data and I still get the same error.
Checked the host name, user name and password, everything seems to check out.
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This is the response I got from my web host:

"I have checked your website and I did not find any server-side issue. The error you are seeing in your website is not caused by any wrong server configurations. It could be a website design/coding issue. The best option is to contact a web developer to get this checked."

And this is the page they referenced which shows the settings. This particular page loads fine:


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I have merged your 2 topics here. Please follow the instructions Randy provided above to try and recover your site

Should you then still have issues, please update your access details on file. At present we do not have access in order to take a look and seen what is causing the problems

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@Randy CalvertI'm using PHP Version 8.0.19. That should not be the problem. And for #2 I have no clue how to do what you're saying there.

@Marc Stridgen Yes I'm still having issues. I also got the admin login wrong so got locked out from the upgrading process for 14 minutes. But I managed to update my access details for FTP so let's get started there ASAP please.

Now when I try to recover my password I get the following error:

An error occurred (500 Error)

We're sorry, but a temporary technical error has occurred which means we cannot display this site right now.

Error writing file '/tmp/MY12Y0t4' (Errcode: 28 - No space left on device)

You can try again by clicking the button below, or try again later.
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1 hour ago, Elliot Marx said:

Between the host iPage and Invision Community, each side is saying it's the others responsibility...


Well… let’s think about this for a moment.  If there is no space let on a device, what is the software going to do about it?  🙂

If they’re saying it’s a software problem, you REALLY need a new hosting provider. This should be 101 level stuff. 

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That's only one of the problems. I clearly have plenty of memory on my host provider.

If you guys want to keep saying it's my problem and my stupidity, good for you. I'm an engineer with 30+ years of experience. I've built the rest of my website and databases to go with it and it has zero issues. I redid my entire website to work with PHP8.0+. And any time I did run into an issue, the web host worked me through exactly what I needed to do to fix it.

In my 15 years of dealing with Invision Power Services, all I get is you're stupid, you did this wrong, it's someone else's problem. And not even the courtesy of a phone call. Sorry I'm DONE DONE DONE!!!!

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If you don’t believe us…



This is the response from your server itself. It’s not an error from IPB. 

I’m sorry you don’t like hearing this… but it is a problem that is not within the IPB software. Either your server’s tmp partition is out of space, or it has incorrect write permission, or you have disk corruption on the hard drive which is preventing the file system from writing to it. One other case is that MySQL is misconfigured in where it’s storing temporary files.

In ANY of these cases… it’s an infrastructure problem and not something that can be fixed in code. 

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Anyways please Invision Board cancel my membership. This software is way too high maintenance for me. I wanted to make this a full fledged forum but it's been impossible to get off the ground. The software is so picky that if I want to upgrade, I need to make sure the upgrade happens every two weeks or so or I run the risk of doing an upgrade that will crash everything. Forum topic reference formats have changed several times making it difficult to create external links. This time I went from 4.7.1 to 4.7.4 and got punished for it. The only thing I've been able to use the forum successfully is doing my own posts with pictures. I can do the same with my own website design and there are plenty of social media options as an alternative. 15 years of this. I figured give this a new start, got excited that the hCaptcha was supposed to allow guests posts while blocking spam but then my whole forum got infected with Cialis this gof--kme that etc. so I had to stop.

Good luck to whoever is still using this service. It's just not for me.


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Sorry to hear you wish to cancel. I have removed all renewals on your software, so you will no longer be charged.

It does need to be noted here, you are unfortunately venting frustration in the wrong direction. No matter what software you use, you will get that very same error when trying to write temp files. That error being mentioned is not coming from our software in any way. It's coming directly from the operating system on your server. Unfortunately there physically no way for us, as the software company, to resolve this.

I would mention here, if you do decide you wish to move forward again in the future, our cloud solution may well be a better fit for you. It would mean you do not have to worry about the hosting at all, as that is all managed on your behalf

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6 hours ago, Elliot Marx said:

That's only one of the problems. I clearly have plenty of memory on my host provider.


If that was the case, then the aforementioned error clearly shouldn't have happened. It is clear that the issue here lies with your host. You don't like to hear it obviously, but that is the truth. 


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15 hours ago, Elliot Marx said:

In my 15 years of dealing with Invision Power Services, all I get is you're stupid, you did this wrong, it's someone else's problem. And not even the courtesy of a phone call. Sorry I'm DONE DONE DONE!!!!

Sorry for the double post, but you are contradiciting yourself....


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