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Problem with upgrading Invision Community from to 4.7.4

Pawel Popiolek
Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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I have outdated version of Invision Community and wanted to perform an upgrade to the latest one. First thing which came to me was the warning message that latest version Invision Community (4.7.4) requires PHP on version not lower than 8.0 so I've updated it on my side and when I did this side became unreachable. So I had to revert these changes back. Now side is functional again however I'm not able to perform an upgrade because PHP version I have is 7.4. Can someone tell me how to proceed with this ? 

Thanks in advance, 


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Unfortunately, Invision Community 4.5 is not compatible with PHP 8 so you would need to likely apply the files for Invision Community 4.7.4 and then upgrade to PHP 8 to perform the upgrade.

Please ensure PHP 8 is compatible with our software by using the following tool:


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Turn your board offline.

Disable all third party resources (applications and plugins) and switch to a default theme.  Create a new blank default theme if needed. 

Switch your site to using PHP8.

Use the script noted above to check to make your instance of PHP8 has all of the needed prerequisites. 

Download a copy of the IPB software from the client area. 

Upload them to your site replacing files that match the same name. 

Visit domain.com/admin/upgrade and follow the instructions to upgrade to 4.7.4.

After the upgrade is complete, login to the ACP. Make sure things look correct and re-enable third party resources one at a time. You can also check if your old theme needs any updates.

Turn your board back online. 

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26 minutes ago, abobader said:

One notice, most of the plugins will not work on the latest 4.7.*, so you have to consider this before the upgrade.

Which plugins work vary greatly by plugin. In general it’s best to reach out to the resource author to confirm compatibility. If it was obtained via the marketplace, you could check the version compatibility there as well. 

If it’s an abandoned resource, you might need to disable it or get it updated by someone else.  If it’s a custom resource, it might be worth confirming it works on PHP8. 

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