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CDN options?

Go to solution Solved by Schaken,

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I was currently using BunnyCDN, but only for images. My "Downloads" is all just straight on my metal server. but they can not handle our downloads system from here at Invision community. Right now my server is allowing pwople to download at dial-up speeds because of the backbone every since that last doomsday sole flare. So I am FORCED to get a CDN that will support S3 (Unless someone is willing to share some secrets)

Is anyone willing to toss me some ideas for a cheap CDN? 🙂 thanks!

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yeah, I actually use Cloudflare, and alot. But I need file storage, not a cache. My website is over a few TB in size, some files are over 5GB. I host video game content. Cloudflare does its job really well, I agree, but not for delivering files.

Before this insane catastrophe, my members were downloading close to 10MB/s. right now it's not even 1MB/s. Same services and everything.

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5 minutes ago, Chris027 said:

I used to use Amazon for S3, CloudFront, and SES. I stopped using them after a support nightmare. Amazon is a terrible business partner. I would avoid it if possible. 

I have had LOTS of issues with big companies. I imagine amazon would be only worse from there. I like the smaller companies that still care about individuals. I appreciate that advice.



50 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

You can setup S3 as a website using Cloudfront. Then set that as origin in Cloudflare to keep you within the Cloudfront free tier. 

I really do not mind spending a little money. Right now, my site with all expenses costs my almost $5K a month to keep running. Thats not huge I know, but its good enough I can call a successful small business.

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On 9/15/2022 at 6:33 PM, Schaken said:

I have had LOTS of issues with big companies. I imagine amazon would be only worse from there. I like the smaller companies that still care about individuals. I appreciate that advice.



I really do not mind spending a little money. Right now, my site with all expenses costs my almost $5K a month to keep running. Thats not huge I know, but its good enough I can call a successful small business.


We had the same issue trying to find something that works as we are using Cloud hosting for Invision.  Our issue was not the downloads storage space, but more so the download bandwidth we were using and finding something compatible with Invision.  We use only about 280GB of storage but we run on average 2TB of bandwidth.  We were on Wasabi but had issues with our bandwidth being so high.  We ultimately moved to Vultr Object Storage, which has been working perfect for us.

We pay about $20 - $25 a month depending on our bandwidth. I would check them out.

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On 9/15/2022 at 8:32 PM, Schaken said:

yeah, I actually use Cloudflare, and alot. But I need file storage, not a cache. 

Since you already use Cloudflare, try Backblaze B2 for S3 storage.


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Note: The last time I checked, the Amazon S3 storage method in Invision Community does not 100% work with B2's S3 API (something to do with downloading files). This may have been fixed, but you may have to convince Invision or a 3rd party developer to implement a 100% compatible Backblaze B2 storage method.

Edited by KT Walrus
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Thank you all, there were all great and I appreciate it. I currently use BunnyCDN because they are by far the cheapest and they help me with everything I need. Turns out I had all my settings correct, it was just Invision itself not letting it work. So, I downloaded the plugin for FTP and was able to just FTP it to my CDN, which works 100% and perfect! Thank you all for your assistance!


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