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Registration page checkbox


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We've been having users reporting issues registering for our site, and the problem has turned out to be the final terms of use checkbox that they are required to select.

The problem reported is that when they try to click it, it won't select. I have even stood by users and watched them struggle with this and give up... and to be fair, I can't really blame them, because see our checkbox is a bit of a UI/UX quagmire - requiring the user to click on exactly the right place to get the checkbox to toggle:

Could contain: Text

This is a tougher challenge than it might seem - I can't be there to explain to every user "you need to click on the text... no, the text... no not the checkbox, the text itself... no not the blue text, that's a link - the text in-between the checkbox and the first bit of blue text... no you can't click the checkbox directly, you need to click on the text NEXT to the checkbox, but not on the link..."

Other people must have encountered this issue? I have seen this multiple times, and have had actual interactions with users like the one above during user testing.

I would modify the template but it appears to be rendered out in popupRegisterTemplate at around line 81:

						{{foreach $content as $input}}
							{{if \is_object( $input ) }}

the line:


...and fixing this appears to be non-trivial; there looks to be some rogue javascript buried somewhere that is toggling the checkbox off and disabling it.

Can anybody suggest a simple solution to this? Putting a line of text instruction underneath is not really helping (and is a bit ugly when we could just fix the UI!). Is this some sort of EU/GDPR requirement?


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Well that's odd.

Our theme is basically stock, we've only changed some colours and added some text.

We don't have any plugins, and the only integrations we have are GeoIP Service, Spam Defence and Google Analytics. I have tried disabling all three of those and still had the same issue.

I tried creating a new blank theme though and the checkbox works so... go figure.

Thanks for the suggestion; I guess I'll have to start again and copy everything over one by one.

Fixed! My bad. Was actually just some rogue CSS we included. Grr. Thanks for the suggestions.

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3 hours ago, Simon.AU said:

Well that's odd.

Our theme is basically stock, we've only changed some colours and added some text.

We don't have any plugins, and the only integrations we have are GeoIP Service, Spam Defence and Google Analytics. I have tried disabling all three of those and still had the same issue.

I tried creating a new blank theme though and the checkbox works so... go figure.

Thanks for the suggestion; I guess I'll have to start again and copy everything over one by one.

Fixed! My bad. Was actually just some rogue CSS we included. Grr. Thanks for the suggestions.

Always bare in mind that when stating "we've only changed", this is by very definition custom. Its always worth checking those items first, as you have seen there. The simplest way to check first of all is by going to support in the admin CP, clicking customisation overview, and clicking disable. You can then open your site in another tab and check if the issue is present. You can then click to enable again once done. Its just a quicker way for you to check

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