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New members manual registration: no access to content due to product purchase (mandatory)

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I set up my Invision Community Platform in a way that people need to purchase a product (recurring product) to register as a member.

But, I already have hundred of members that I need to import manually (they already bought a product on an external service).

I tried to add manually a member, from the PC admin, and these members can't access to the content (platform ask him to purchase a product).

How can I bypass this ? so these members who already purchased the product via an external service, can access the content without the need to buy (again) a product.

Thank you very much in advance for your help.


PS: I tried to disactivate the "mandatory product purchase" and import members after. It works. But as soon as I reactivated the "mandatory product purchase", they instantly can't access the content anymore.





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I just add some info:
Members that I added few months ago are still able to access content (without having purchased products).

It seems that only new ones (few weeks and days ago) have this problem.

They log in and they land on the page to buy a product.

FYI: I activated this requiring product purchase few days ago (before, I used the subscription system, but I decided to change for more flexibility).

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You can check at these 2 profiles:
LauThi > new member created today -> doesn't have access to content (platform asks to buy a product)

Marguerite > new member created (few months ago) -> has access to content (platform doesn't ask to buy product)

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Hi Marc,

From the admin, I create a new member "add member" (screenshot below - in French)

Did you check the 2 members I suggested ?

They were added with the same manner, but at a different period.

One has access to content (without adding a purchased product), one don't.

The one who has access: Marguerite

The one who doesn't : LauThi

In fact, all new members I add currently, don't have access . It was not the case before.
By the way, how can I add product purchases to those members ?

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On the subscriptions page, you would use the + at the side of any of the subscriptions to add a member. 

To be honest, the issue here is actually the member who can access, as they shouldnt be able to. Your system is actually not allowing me to log in as members, so if you would like me to check that I need to disable all 3rd party items, including the application  you have set as default. If you would like me to go ahead with that, please let me know. The correct way in which to do this however is to add a subscription

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Hi Marc,

In fact, all members I added in the past (100+) can access the content.

Only the new ones (I think since I changed subscription by purchased product for registration), can't access.

I don't want to use subscription anymore (because I can't use coupon in a proper way) for registration.

Here is what I would like:

- To add some old members manually so they have access to the content (like if they purchased a product)

- For the new ones: if someone wants to register he has to buy one of the products I selected


I removed temporaly the restriction "force a purchase for new registration". You should access admin properly now.

Be aware that the platform is in production mode, so people needs to access the default application (video). So you can disable it for a few minutes to check but don't forget to reactivate it (even if it's not by default).

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I have spoken to my colleague here, and the reason for this is that this change was intentional. As mentioned, you would need to add a sub to those users if you wish to enforce purchase of items. This does not affect anything on old accounts, which is why you are seeing some differently

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