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(Pages) How to get rid of "View full..." in topics?


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Is it possible to get rid of View full X link in the topic created from the database record?

The reason is, that it does not make sense for some databases. E. g.

  • Links Directory: View full website. (It is ambiguous, as it sounds like someone would open a website, but this is just a record link to the description of the site.)
  • Book Directory: View full book. (The same as above.)
  • Person Directory: View full person. (This sounds odd.)
  • Product Directory: View full product. (The full description of the product is already included in the topic. View full implements there is even more, but there is not.)
  • FAQ: View full question. (Normally one would like to read the answer and not just a full question from the FAQ 🙂 

It is difficult to find one suitable description for all databases. Therefore I would like just to have a default IPS embed to the record. Like this one:

I have customized HTML template cms/submit/topic this way:

{{foreach $record->topicFields() as $id => $field}}

Then I rebuilt synchronized topic content in ACP. The task is completed. Any changes to the Topic field format are considered. The template above is ignored. It still has this View full link. Why? Any chance to change it?

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On 5/26/2022 at 4:57 PM, opentype said:

Does it work when a new post is made?

Indeed it works if a new record is created and a new topic is generated. The template is only ignored if existing topics are synchronized. I assume because this is a background task that does not consider any custom changes to templates.

On 5/26/2022 at 3:03 PM, Andy Millne said:

You would need to adjust the records manually for already created entries.

I do not have any control over created topics. There is no Edit option, you have removed it in the past.

On 5/18/2022 at 9:43 AM, Sonya* said:

Therefore I would like just to have a default IPS embed to the record.

The template above produces just a text link. There is no iframe embed.

Now, is there a possibility to add a link to the record displayed as the default IPS embed in the first post?

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I have managed to add embed for new created records by adding iframe in the template manually:

<iframe allowfullscreen="" class="ipsEmbed_finishedLoading" data-controller="core.front.core.autosizeiframe" data-embedauthorid="{$record->member_id}" data-embedcontent="" scrolling="no" src="{$record->url()}?do=embed" style="overflow: hidden; height: 413px; max-width: 502px;"></iframe>

There is still a question of how to edit already created topics assuming we are in the cloud and do not have access to SQL?

Edited by Sonya*
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On 5/26/2022 at 3:03 PM, Andy Millne said:

You would need to adjust the records manually for already created entries.

I am still looking for a possibility to adjust records manually. At the moment I do not have control over generated topics, even as an admin. 

  • There is no edit button for those topics
  • Custom changes to templates are ignored while rebuilding
  • SQL toolbox will be removed, so no way to change it even via SQL

How do I suppose to adjust the records manually? How would I do it in the IPS cloud? 

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