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Move the black notification banner that shows at the bottom of the forum?

David N.
Go to solution Solved by Nathan Explosion,

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When I'm on the forum and receive a new notification, a black banner appears at the bottom of the window. Problem is, I have a footer ad that is covering that part of the window, so the banner is hidden behind the ad.

Is it possible to move the banner at the top of the window instead? Or is it possible to change the banner's z-index so it appears on top of the ad rather than behind? 


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3 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

This is not possible to do via an ACP setting.  However you might be able to do it by manually editing your theme.  This is not directly supported by IPS, so you might want to ask in the Theme forum if someone can give advice on how to do it.  

Ok thank you Randy. 

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