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reinstall forums not working

Go to solution Solved by Marc St,

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hi there, i wiped out my server including the forums, i've restored the dastbase from a backup, but the forums code doesn't want to run although i have successfully got 

/forums//admin/install to run and which logged into the database ok as well. i can't get /forums or /forums/admin to run tho.

anyone got any ideas please? thanks.

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39 minutes ago, dancingbear said:

hi there, i wiped out my server including the forums, i've restored the dastbase from a backup, but the forums code doesn't want to run although i have successfully got 

/forums//admin/install to run and which logged into the database ok as well. i can't get /forums or /forums/admin to run tho.

anyone got any ideas please? thanks.

What do you mean by forums code does not want to run? Are you getting any errors when you load your forum url? If so, what errors are you getting?

How exactly did you go about it? Did you install the latest version of Ipb or the version that corresponds with the database back?

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yes i mean the forums code doesn't want to run, no visible error at /forums/  the error below at /forums/admin

Table 'databasename.ibf_core_sys_conf_settings' doesn't exist

uploaded a backup i had of the forums directory, then overwrote that with a fresh download of the most recent forums code.

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1 hour ago, dancingbear said:

yes i mean the forums code doesn't want to run, no visible error at /forums/  the error below at /forums/admin

Table 'databasename.ibf_core_sys_conf_settings' doesn't exist

uploaded a backup i had of the forums directory, then overwrote that with a fresh download of the most recent forums code.

The error message means that said table (the one mentioned in the error message) does not exist.

When you say you uploaded a backup/restored a backup, was that a database backup, or did you restore/uploaded only the forums files?

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thanks for replyng, i'm aware that the message says a table doesn't exist..

the database i'm using is a restore  of the mysql files from the disk My datadumps wouldn't import.

i've just checked my test install of the foums, using a copy of the database from about a year ago that doesn't have that table either.


Edited by dancingbear
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I just checked my live board.  That table DOES exist in the most recent version of IPB.   You might want to post in the main support forum.  This looks to be beyond community (meaning peer to peer) help.  

By the way...  one idea that I had...  

Do a FRESH install into a DIFFERENT database.  Then export/import that table into your restored table.  

You would have to reset a bunch of preference settings, but that might at least get you back up and running.

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57 minutes ago, dancingbear said:

thanks for replyng, i'm aware that the message says a table doesn't exist..

the database i'm using is a restore  of the mysql files from the disk My datadumps wouldn't import.

i've just checked my test install of the foums, using a copy of the database from about a year ago that doesn't have that table either.


The backup is from a year ago and for an older version of the forum. If you installed the latest version of Ipb and then restored the backup, you must run the upgrader to bring the database up to date with the forum files.

That being said, if you get table does not exist errors from your backup, then the backup most likely is corrupted I am afraid. 

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13 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

I just checked my live board.  That table DOES exist in the most recent version of IPB.   You might want to post in the main support forum.  This looks to be beyond community (meaning peer to peer) help.  

By the way...  one idea that I had...  

Do a FRESH install into a DIFFERENT database.  Then export/import that table into your restored table.  

You would have to reset a bunch of preference settings, but that might at least get you back up and running.

thanks i'll give that a go.

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16 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

You mentioned yourdomain.com/admin/install....  Did you try yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade?   See if it will take care of catching you up to the correct table data?

i've tried upgrade, northing happens.

16 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

I just checked my live board.  That table DOES exist in the most recent version of IPB.   You might want to post in the main support forum.  This looks to be beyond community (meaning peer to peer) help.  

By the way...  one idea that I had...  

Do a FRESH install into a DIFFERENT database.  Then export/import that table into your restored table.  

You would have to reset a bunch of preference settings, but that might at least get you back up and running.

cant get a fresh install to work, could someone please post the SQL  to create that table.

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CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `core_sys_conf_settings` (
  `conf_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `conf_key` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `conf_value` mediumtext COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci,
  `conf_default` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci,
  `conf_keywords` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci,
  `conf_app` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `conf_plugin` bigint(20) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
  `conf_report` enum('full','bool') COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`conf_id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `conf_key` (`conf_key`)

Don't forget about prefix if you have one.

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1 hour ago, dancingbear said:

i cant get a response from IPB SUPPORt, can anyone give them a nudge please?

I have just come on here to send a PM to you directly. Please check your spam filters, as we have answered each of your support requests. 

The issue you have there is a missing table. You would need to restore that from your last backup.

As mentioned above by Randy, that is the official support area. You are posting in community support here, which is why you were only getting responses from the community. 

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hi mark, northing in my spam folders.

i've restored the table, as shown above.it would be great to get my forums running again. what info do you need from me to check it out, the old access info won't allow you access now , everything has been reset.

lets get this fixed, thanks mark.


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7 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

You would need to restore it from your own backup, not create from the above. Have you done that?

mark my backup dumps won't unzip without errors, the backup i'm using is a recovery of the msq files on the servers disk (its the best copy i have of the data as my dump files wouldn't load back in - the problem isn't the data right now, the code won't run. its giving a 500 error.

any help you can give will be appreciated.


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The problem is indeed the data. That table still cannot be accessed at all. When you attempted a manual recreation of it, did you ensure you added your prefix as mentioned?

I would suggest also contacting your email host to see what us happening with those emails, as they are being sent and you are not receiving them

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6 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

The problem is indeed the data. That table still cannot be accessed at all. When you attempted a manual recreation of it, did you ensure you added your prefix as mentioned?

the created table has the prefix -  so how do i get past this problem?

6 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

I would suggest also contacting your email host to see what us happening with those emails, as they are being sent and you are not receiving them

there was a problem with my mail yesterday its working ok, now, thanks

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2 hours ago, dancingbear said:

there was a problem with my mail yesterday its working ok, now, thanks

I have responded this morning to your ticket. 

2 hours ago, dancingbear said:

the created table has the prefix -  so how do i get past this problem?

I would need to get someone to take a closer look, because according to the message there, its not present. Please respond to the ticket and we can get this escalated for you

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22 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

You mentioned yourdomain.com/admin/install....  Did you try yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade?   See if it will take care of catching you up to the correct table data?

install appears to login, and seems to do  what it should upgrade does nothing but there shouldn't be anything to upgrade for my data. as i did the upgrade thing last time i wiped my forums, last week.

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