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4.6.9 Related content widget shows hidden topics

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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in 4.6.9 the template of the related content widget has been changed. Now it shows hidden topics also to guests - of course marked as hidden.


Update: Now it's gone because maybe a guest triggered the widget rebuild and replaced it in cache. But is this intended that if a mod triggers the rebuild the normal people see those kind of "insights" unless the cache is being deleted again?

Edited by Apfelstrudel
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Sorry, can you elaborate on this:

If a moderator / admin triggers the rebuild of a related content cache, hidden content will be visible to guests or members without permission?

I'm running some hidden forum sections with strictly confidential content…


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If the topic is visible, it’s allowed to show in the widget. If you hide it, I the link/title of the hidden topic remain in the widget until the cache rebuilds. In the mean time if it’s actually clicked without permission to view they will get an error. 

This is similar to if someone copy’s a link to a post that is later hidden. If they access it via a bookmark, they get an error if they don’t have permission to view the content. 

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Correct.  It’s only in the widget if the user had permission to view the item at the time it generated.  If the user lost permission to the item that change occurs immediately… however the old link in the widget won’t disappear until it rebuilds within a few min. 

If the content was never visible to the user (say an admin area) it wont show to normal users in the widgets. 

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