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Change order of Pages databases in Search

Gabriel Torres
Go to solution Solved by Marc St,

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Two questions regarding the search option:

1. Is there a way to change the order of the Pages database in the list of avaliable places to do a search? See below. It seems the databases are listed based on their ID (primary_id_field). We want to change the order, to place the most popular databases on top and the least popular at the bottom of the list.


2. Is there a way to disable the "Pages" option(Páginas in our translation, see above) from being listed? Because it is the first option and for us it doesn't make sense to leave this option available, as our static pages has little to none value for searches. I know that we can disable each database from being feature in this menu, however I am not being able to find a similar option for static pages.

Thank you in advance.

Edited by Gabriel Torres
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With the first one, there is no way in which to order those at the present time, unfortunatly. Please feel free to post this up in our suggestions forum if you wish to see this in a future release.

The only way to disable items is to ensure you dont have the permissions to view them. If you can view them, then they will appear. There is no way around that. Usually however, you would see "Everywhere" as the first item, then topics. Its not clear from the language pack there what it showing at the top

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On 12/10/2021 at 8:28 PM, Gabriel Torres said:

2. Is there a way to disable the "Pages" option(Páginas in our translation, see above) from being listed? Because it is the first option and for us it doesn't make sense to leave this option available, as our static pages has little to none value for searches. I know that we can disable each database from being feature in this menu, however I am not being able to find a similar option for static pages.


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