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I need an expert to help redesign site

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Are there any experts out here for hire that can help take my board to the next level?

Not even sure if this is the right place, but I'm considering having my word press site redesigned but I was wondering whether using Invision to integrat the posts to the front page is a better option?

I also need a lot of help setting things up again like ranks and such. 

If interested or have ideas, please get in touch with me via PM.



Edited by Mark H
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@tpasa Do I read this correctly that you will have a hybrid setup with Wordpress and IPS? Or are you considering moving over to IPS only?

I think many of us would be more than happy to help with answering questions if you need that before you hire someone to do the configurations for you. Just tell us about your site and what you have in mind and I am sure we can help with most of what you need 🙂

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