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Just hide Forums and Start topic button

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36 minutes ago, All Astronauts said:

Would you want the view selector removed as well? Also you know the above is in KS already right 🙂

Thanks, by now only this adjustment need to be made, due it is for a pre-sale project, is a little hard purchase an App only for hide the botton purpose... Hope you don't feel because I don't want to buy your app... 

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  • 3 weeks later...

You need to be very careful when deciding what elements to target with css.

Many of the classes which you're editing are used globally, so if you try removing .ipsToolList.ipsToolList_horizontal, you'll be affecting many areas of the site.

To remove the Forums title and the Start New Topic button (on both desktop and mobile), add this to custom.css

.cForumHeader + .ipsToolList{
	display: none !important;

Keep in mind that the viewing options (table, grid and fluid) will also be removed. If you need those to stay, let me know.

Wrap the above code with a media query if you only want to target mobiles.

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This should do it:

.cForumHeader .ipsType_pageTitle,
.cForumHeader .ipsToolList_primaryAction,
.cForumHeader + .ipsToolList{
	display: none !important;

.cForumHeader .ipsToolList{
	margin-left: auto !important;


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