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Hiring a IPBoard developer - where should I look?


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Hi there,

I recently launched a IPBoard community that is beginning to show traction. It's well placed for some explosive growth over the next few months.

With that being said, I have some industry (trading card game) related functionality I'd like to integrate into the forum.

As such, I'm hoping to find a suitable developer, but I'm a little lost as to where to look, and what kind of skills I should be looking for.

My background: I used to work at Shopify, and currently work as a Product Owner in an industry leading company. I have technical, design and product experience.

The rough functionality I'm looking to implement over time is as follows:

  • Card embeds
    • Users should be able to tag cards from the card game the forum is centered around, Flesh and Blood. This would cause the image for the card to pop up, as well a hover view with the relevant cards information, such as attack power etc.,
  • Deck lists
    • Later on, I'd like to start slowly working on a much more complex feature: the ability to add and share deck lists, that is, groups of cards folks play with during a game. As an example, you can see similar functionality over here on another forum for a similar game.

So, given that I am experienced in product development and have a good idea of what I am aiming to create, and have a good budget, where should I look for a talented developer to work with? Also, what language should I expect them to be proficient with? PHP? Or could the above functionality be built into IPBoard using other languages?

Thank you very much for any and all input.



P.S. apologies if this is the wrong forum, I can post it elsewhere if more appropriate

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How integrated does your functionality need to be with the IPS suite?  Could you create a stand alone database driven webpage that you site's members navigate to via a menu choice? If so, then you have a larger pool of developer talent you could tap into.  If you absolutely need to integrate fully into the suite you can post your project here:

Requests - Invision Community

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1 hour ago, Chris Anderson said:

How integrated does your functionality need to be with the IPS suite?  Could you create a stand alone database driven webpage that you site's members navigate to via a menu choice? If so, then you have a larger pool of developer talent you could tap into.  If you absolutely need to integrate fully into the suite you can post your project here:

Requests - Invision Community


1 hour ago, Adriano Faria said:

Thanks for the suggestion - I forgot to mention, I tried reaching out to a few top candidates listed on there a while ago, but my messages didn't receive a response, hence why I'm keen to explore my other options. It struck me that most people listed there are more interested in making small tweaks to IPBoard forums, as opposed to more complex projects and custom plugins etc.

Having said that, maybe it's time to try again - I'll message some folks now.

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23 minutes ago, ArcaneCharlie said:


Thanks for the suggestion - I forgot to mention, I tried reaching out to a few top candidates listed on there a while ago, but my messages didn't receive a response, hence why I'm keen to explore my other options. It struck me that most people listed there are more interested in making small tweaks to IPBoard forums, as opposed to more complex projects and custom plugins etc.

Having said that, maybe it's time to try again - I'll message some folks now.

The good devs are busy.  The bad devs are busy too.  

You can reach out to developers like @HeadStand @DawPi @Marcher Technologies @CodingJungle who take on private clients.  

If you're an enterprise client, you can ask IPS for private referrals to help initiate the introductions.  

1 hour ago, ArcaneCharlie said:

Card embeds

  • Users should be able to tag cards from the card game the forum is centered around, Flesh and Blood. This would cause the image for the card to pop up, as well a hover view with the relevant cards information, such as attack power etc.,

You may want to check with @CodingJungle on modifying his Keyword Tooltips.  When you hover over certain text, you can have a popup hovercard

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37 minutes ago, Joel R said:

The good devs are busy.  The bad devs are busy too.

Here, here. Truer words were never spoken.

Thanks for the suggestions, I went ahead and reached out to a handful of devs and am currently discussing the project with one of them - I'll see how this first point of contact goes.

Cheers @Joel R

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6 hours ago, ArcaneCharlie said:

Thanks for the suggestion - I forgot to mention, I tried reaching out to a few top candidates listed on there a while ago, but my messages didn't receive a response, hence why I'm keen to explore my other options.

I never received anything from you. 😉

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