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Can't Download Files w/ Cloud Subscription?


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I purchased a plugin (https://invisioncommunity.com/clients/purchases/81289-hq4-badges/) and the plugin has image resources that I cannot download because when I try to download the plugin it just gives me instructions for how to install it through the Admin CP.

I know how to install the plugin... I want to download the files so I can get the image resources that are included and the system just forces me to read installation instructions (presumably because I have a cloud subscription to Invision Community).

Is there a way I can bypass this? It's frustrating that it just assumes I don't actually want the files themselves.

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9 hours ago, Paul E. said:

This is the expected behavior with 4.5 and purchases on Marketplace. You cannot access the files directly, regardless if you are self-hosted or a CIC customer.

I greatly appreciate your answer on this.

It's unfortunate because the reason I chose IC over Xenforo was the level of (relatively) low-level access that it enables you to have (intrinsically more flexibility).

The move to forcibly extrapolate functionality away from the user and leave users with one option is not something I personally favor. 😕

Thanks again for the info!

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To add a little more context: The Marketplace downloads have been a big mess in the past. Behind the download button, there could be anything and any number of files. TAR, XML, PDFs, ZIPs (which could again include anything) of one resource version or even multiple resource versions. That was rather confusing for the users, since they had to figure out on a case-by-case basis what to do with the downloaded files and often it would lead to problems like trying to install a template as plugin, plugin as app and so on. The new system forces any resource to be a single file of a specific type. That’s a huge step forward and is the only way to allow the (now possible) one-click installations which benefit a large percentage of the users. 

Additional resources now need to be provided in a different way, but it is still possible. Check with the author of the file how to get those if it isn’t mentioned on the product page or the Additional Information tab. There is no need to keep full downloads just for the 1% of resources which had additional files in the package. 

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On 10/11/2020 at 2:57 AM, opentype said:

To add a little more context: The Marketplace downloads have been a big mess in the past. Behind the download button, there could be anything and any number of files. TAR, XML, PDFs, ZIPs (which could again include anything) of one resource version or even multiple resource versions. That was rather confusing for the users, since they had to figure out on a case-by-case basis what to do with the downloaded files and often it would lead to problems like trying to install a template as plugin, plugin as app and so on. The new system forces any resource to be a single file of a specific type. That’s a huge step forward and is the only way to allow the (now possible) one-click installations which benefit a large percentage of the users. 

Additional resources now need to be provided in a different way, but it is still possible. Check with the author of the file how to get those if it isn’t mentioned on the product page or the Additional Information tab. There is no need to keep full downloads just for the 1% of resources which had additional files in the package. 

Thank you for the justification. This makes a lot of sense. I will get with the developer directly. 

Thanks again!

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