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MAJOR Issues with 4.5.3

Justin Stellman

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3 minutes ago, Justin Stellman said:

I have all kinds of styling errors going on since I upgraded.

How does the default theme look? You might need to update your custom theme.

Also, you should empty your inbox. Almost 20 000 unread messages? 😲

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4 minutes ago, Justin Stellman said:

I see so it could be the custom theme I'm using? I didn't even know I was using one.

You might simply be using a modified version of the default theme, I can't tell. All I'm saying is it might have something to do with the theme, so that would be the first thing on my mind.

You can always try and create a new theme, and see if that solves your issues.

5 minutes ago, Justin Stellman said:

I have 20,000 unread messages? 😉

Well, close to 19 500 to be exact. Are you going for 20k? 😉

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@Runar thanks for your help on this. I really appreciate it. 

I tried going back to the default theme and the same issues with everything. It's almost like the style sheets got messed up preventing the drop downs from showing after you move off a link or the content area boxes being so small. I can't search the marketplace either. Very weird. I wonder if I can swtich back?

Here's another screenshot


It's acting so strange.

Edited by Justin Stellman
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1 minute ago, Justin Stellman said:

I wonder if I can swtich back?

You can, if you've got a backup of both your files and database! Though, this isn't the worst issue someone has had after updating to 4.5 and I'm sure we'll be able to fix it.

Can you check your browser console for error messages?

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1 minute ago, Justin Stellman said:

That would be great. I wonder how I get somebody from Invision to help me? Hmmm.

You can create a ticket from the Client Area. Click here, then click on Support.

1 minute ago, Justin Stellman said:

Is this the error console?

Indeed, thank you! If you click on the Console tab (next to Elements on the right side of the browser) you'll probably see even more red errors. The ones I can see indicate that important files are not being included, but it's hard to say exactly why.

Could you try to empty the cache? To do this, go to https://extremehealthacademy.com/forums/admin/?app=core&module=support&controller=support, select "Something isn't working correctly" and click on "Continue". Then clear your browser cache.

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