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Urgent: Revert Topic Merged

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31 minutes ago, Morrigan said:

You have to check each individual post in the merged topic and then choose to "split" it. If it is a split you would merge the two topics.

I have topic A merged to topic B, but topic B has a poll that already received many votes and topic Messages. Now topic B is missed their original poll, that is why I need revert the merge action.

I try to split the last 2 post that are topic A, but with same resutl, topic B still missing the poll and Message content.

and ..... hosting provider can´t help too... because casually disk space problem


We will be happy to help out.

We quickly reviewed the server for a backups of your data but we noticed that such backups have not been generated due to the almost 100% disk space utilization on the server. This means there was no disk space for the creation of such backups.

However, if you have a backup of the website we will gladly use such backup for the restoration. All we would need is for you to upload the backup to one of your cPanel accounts on the server and confirm which website should be restored from it.

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I believe @Morrigan is right, but if you'd like me to take a look for you send me a PM.

I'll check and see if the poll still exists (i.e. hasn't be deleted by the merge action yet). If it doesn't exist, I'll just let you know and won't charge you anything.

If it's still there and can be recovered, I'll happily do it for you and just bill you for an hours or so work.

Edited by Makoto
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