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(DP45) Watermark for Uploads


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About This File

With this plugin you can easily add a watermark to every uploaded image via upload form.

FAQ - read before purchase

  • It works only for a newly uploaded images?
  • Yes.


  • It works for already uploaded images?
  • No.


  • Watermark could be applied into old images (already saved)?
  • No.


  • Would you be so kind and add new options?
  • Yes and no. It depends what it would be.


  • Watermark can be added anywhere on the image?
  • No. It would be added only to bottom right corner.


  • Watermark would be added onto thumb also?
  • Yes.


If you have any other questions please ask BEFORE purchase.


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Nice start 🙂


However are you planning to:

-allow text watermark

-watermark external content

-allow watermark location management

-allow watermark size/font size management

-watermark existing content

-being able to remove watermark (restoring original pics)




What image formats does it currently work with? Any plans to include watermarking of other formats and maybe documents too?

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7 hours ago, DawPi said:

It depends how many users will buy and use it.

I don't have plans right now, waiting for answers and questions from the market. 😉

🙂 It is an inverse relationship imo. The more of those features you have the more likely it will sell and sell even better vs a minimalist basic setup. I would buy it instantly and probably pay more too if it had more of those options (which really only brings it in line with offerings like on wordpress and so on)



7 hours ago, DawPi said:

Every supported by GD or ImageMagick on your server.

GD has 7 formats? ImageMagick does like 200 formats right?

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16 minutes ago, ASI said:
8 hours ago, DawPi said:


GD has 7 formats? ImageMagick does like 200 formats right

I dont know 😛

16 minutes ago, ASI said:

🙂 It is an inverse relationship imo. The more of those features you have the more likely it will sell and sell even better vs a minimalist basic setup. I would buy it instantly and probably pay more too if it had more of those options (which really only brings it in line with offerings like on wordpress and so on

I know all that. No worries. Will check your requests and think about them. 

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1 hour ago, DawPi said:

What's New in Version 1.0.1  

  • Added option to select forums where this mod will add a watermark to uploaded images.


Option added on a customer request. 🙂

Nice! Can I get those requests done stat if I become a customer 😊?

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9 hours ago, DawPi said:

What you mean by that?

Some people might be posting using external content or links like imgur. So when it shows on the forum having it appear watermarked would be good.




7 hours ago, DawPi said:

Will be fine? 🙂




In the right direction yep 🙂

You would need to cover the center left, center right, center top, and center bottom.

Would also need to allow for diagonals and offsetting/adjustments/placement management in case the default doesnt look right for some reason or is covering up some important part.

You'd also want to allow for opacity/transparency adjustments.





6 hours ago, DawPi said:

I'm checking possibility to make it nice and clean. 🙂

Awesome. Should be possible as it was previously and is on other platforms.



Btw, I noticed earlier you added a new feature, selection of forum section, I would then add to this another feature which is the ability to not have some things watermarked. So perhaps by default watermarking can be enabled, but maybe there can be a front end option (if enabled by admin) that can be selected to bypass watermarking if a poster chooses so? Occasionally there might be a reason not to have something watermarked...

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What's New in Version 1.0.2  

  • added ability to select watermark position: top left corner, top right corner, center of the image, bottom left corner and default bottom right corner.
  • excluded Gallery app from being touched by this plugin because it has own watermark function.
  • added condition to works only on a public side of the board. Any uploaded image in the ACP won't be watermarked (e.g. forums icons, watermark itself etc.).
  • added app selection where it should work.
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  • 1 month later...


Just bought the plugin yesterday and installed it on our IPB v4.4.10.

  • Installation went well and the plugin is enabled
  • I uploaded a small transparent png file
  • I enabled the plugin everywhere
  • Both GD & Imagick are installed on the server

Then I created a new topic and uploaded a few pictures, none of them have the watermark.

I tried with different png files with no luck 😞 Any idea?




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Thank you, indeed this worked.

Not super convenient though as we have tons of forums and sub-forums, I had to select each of them individually.

Any chance you can fix this in v1.0.3 so the "All" checkbox would work?
Please feel free to reach out through PM in case you want to run some tests on our site.

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