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(DP44) Advanced Regexp


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  • 4 weeks later...

Does this app can replace keywords with links?

For instance every time it finds a keyword, let's say Digital Ocean or Digital Ocean,  replace it with a link like <a href="https://digitalocean.com/ref/myusername">Digital Ocean</a> ? 

Edited by MediaDIGI.com
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2 hours ago, MediaDIGI.com said:

Does this app can replace keywords with links?

For instance every time it finds a keyword, let's say Digital Ocean or Digital Ocean,  replace it with a link like <a href="https://digitalocean.com/ref/myusername">Digital Ocean</a> ? 

No. But there is another app that does exact what you need:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have just added this and I have some questions. 

1. Do I need to explicitly list all parameters that I want to keep? For example I have this url: www.example.com/aid=1111&label=222. I want to change aid to 1212, I add it in the list, then the modified url is www.example.com/aid-=1212 only, the label one is stripped. Is this the correct behaviour? I am afraid I don't know all the other parameters this website might add to the url...

2. I don't see an option to separately add or replace a parameter. If my link does not contain the parameter I add, it seems it is not added...

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On 11/17/2019 at 11:07 AM, DawPi said:


  1.  yes, you need to add them all.
  2. send me PW with the exact url and the parameters list. I'l check it.

2. is ok, I had to modify the url regular expression as my link did not had any parameters at all. Changing it from *.example.com/*?* to *.example.com/* worked fine and the parameter is added correctly now. 

As a feature suggestion, will be difficult to add also not only inclusion, but exclusion url expressions? Right now we add the parameters to all matched urls, but it might be useful if there is a possibility to add it to all but matched urls as well:  Add param="A" for all urls that do not contain param="B".  This can be useful if you want to have more then one approved parameters or to protect a very specific parameter from being overwritten. Hm, I guess it can be done with more creative regular expression, will something like this work? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2964645/regex-not-equal-to-string I have to try I guess 🙂

There is a bit of a learning curve, but very powerful app, thanks 🙂

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

So my thinking is to buy it, install it on my website and then any links from online stores where I have an affiliate account I can add my ID into the plugin/app and that's it.

I know it covers Amazon but I was hoping it would cover other online companies too such as Ebay and other outlets?

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2 minutes ago, Sheffielder said:

So my thinking is to buy it, install it on my website and then any links from online stores where I have an affiliate account I can add my ID into the plugin/app and that's it.


2 minutes ago, Sheffielder said:

I know it covers Amazon but I was hoping it would cover other online companies too such as Ebay and other outlets?

It cover "any" site if the regexp will be in good way added in my app settings.

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I have one regexp configured on my community, it rewrites the links of booking.com. It looks like this:


However when I try to search by booking.com in the search engine I receive the following: 


[[Template core/front/search/resultStream is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

Is it possible that this app interferes with that? I tried disabling the regex, but the problem persisted. I suppose the search index needs to be regenerated to test that, which will take a while. If you have some reg ex defined on your test/dev board maybe try to search by domain to try to replicate the problem 🙂


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