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Night Mode Theme


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Deleted old theme from other topic, and market place. Cleared cache, reuploaded the one uploaded 2 hours ago. Dark mode editor now works for me, but some of the text, highlighting and links are currently washed out or not seen.
White box as highlight and date in events was there but isn't on this new version v1.0.0

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11 minutes ago, Dean_ said:

Deleted old theme from other topic, and market place. Cleared cache, reuploaded the one uploaded 2 hours ago. Dark mode editor now works for me, but some of the text, highlighting and links are currently washed out or not seen.
White box as highlight and date in events was there but isn't on this new version v1.0.0

Can you PM me a link to the page please and I will take a look

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@Guru84 I'm guessing you are using Internet Explorer? Apologies I forgot to package the new editor theme files for the outdated browser. 

If you redownload the theme, you only need to reupload the editor theme files. This should fix it for you. 🙂 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Just now, Bluto said:

Any updates for 4.4.5?

As the theme contains no template edits, they should all automatically be updated unless you have customised them yourself.

If there is anything that looks wonky let me know and I'll take a look, running the same theme on my site not seen anything come up yet myself.

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  • 5 weeks later...

In clubs -> members the background is white for each member.  The mods I made are below, but you might want to change to match your theme better.

/* Clubs */
#elClubControls .ipsTabs {background: #0a0b0d;}

.ipsMemberCard {background: #121418; border: 1px solid #0a0b0d;}

.cClubMemberStatus {background: #0a0b0d;}


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This one will adjust the background of the member list but not the leaders and moderators box (can't figure how to change that background because they are using generic classes).

/* Clubs */
#elClubControls .ipsTabs {background: #0a0b0d;}
.ipsMemberCard {background: #0a0b0d; border: 1px solid #121418;}
.cClubMemberStatus {background: #0a0b0d;}
[data-controller="core.front.clubs.requests"] > .ipsAreaBackground {background: none;}


Edited by Bluto
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For some reason IPS is putting the style outside of a class for ipsRichEmbed which is using a black stroke around the embed which you can hardly see.

<div class="ipsRichEmbed" style="max-width:500px;border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.1);">

I wasn't sure which color to use to stroke, maybe there is a better color to use than #333?

/* Embed */
.ipsRichEmbed {border:1px solid #333 !important};


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Reddit embeds looked horrible (nasty white border and heading text was black).

The CSS for the embed isn't available, so the only thing I could do was make the iframe background white.  Once I did that it looked normal.

/* Embed Reddit Specific */
iframe[data-embedid] { background-color: #fcfcfc !important;}


PLEASE NOTE:  This didn't really work too well.  You might want to play around with this before production use.

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Gallery pop-up selection box.  Box that pops-up when you want to add an image.

/* Gallery Popup Selection Box */
.cGalleryChooseAlbum_listItem {
	background: #191b21;
	border: 1px solid #0e0f12;
.cGalleryChooseAlbum_listItem:not([data-disabled]):hover {
	border-color: (add you own color here this is the border when you hover a selection);


Edited by Bluto
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