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Review Forum Idea


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I can't afford a custom modification, but I'm adding this suggestion in case someone is interested in making a custom mod.

The idea is to have a forum that behaves like a review system. Each forum should be a category (for example, Books) and each topic something that can be reviewed ( for example, "DaVinci Code".) The forums should be customizable so that they can review all type of different items according to differnt needs, from movies, books to gadgets, restaurants or services. This means having different custom fields assigned in the admincp for each "review forum".
 Some of this custom fields could calculate an average, others should not. Pros & cons custom fields shouldn't calculate average, but "General Satisfaction" with ( 1 - 10 ) stars should do it. 

For the custom fields that calculate an average, there should be a small box at the beginning or top of the topic with the average for the topic in particular. IF there are 4 custom fields with stars, then those 4 fields should appear on top with the average for each four fields. If, instead of stars, we prefer to use numbers, then the average in numbers should appear on top of the topic (for example 3,7/5  ). Each time a user adds a review, the system should recalculate the topic average for each calculated custom field. 

Each reply should also display the custom fields for the user in the reply, at the top of the reply. This way, readers could check the average value of the topic on the top and also each individual value rated by users in the topic. 
Every time a moderator hides or unhides a reply or deletes a reply, the system should ask the moderator if he/she wants to recalculate the review values for the topic.
Another interesting feature would be to allow users to reply without writing a review, this means with all custom fields in blank. In my opinion that should be decided in the admincp for each forum as an option. For some forums, users shouldn't be able to reply without reviewing, in other forums that possibility could exist. 

Sorry for the clumsy ideas, but I think it's worth considering. I haven't seen anything like this on marketplace. At most, a +1 / -1  review system.

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Yes, I'm aware of that, but pages presents 3 issues to take into account.

1. From my own experience, at least in the past, Seo for pages doesn't work the same than Seo in forums. In my case, Pages never ranked a good position.
2. Not everybody pays for Pages, Only 2 of my licenses have pages.
3. You need additional templates for pages, that also includes the mobile template to make it work right.  Even if properly designed, the mobile template wiht pages is not so intuitive or requieres skills some people like me don't have.

While using forums, everything seems to be more integrated within the theme.  I have had unsuccessful experiences encouraging users to use pages instead of forums in the past. 


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


I did buy the marketplace item "Template System" by HeadStand. It basically works like XThreads did with MyBB. The one issue I'm trying to sort through is how to not display the default WYSWYG editor that is required when posting a new thread or reply.


I wanted to collect information about people's websites - then have it post a new thread that had a custom display. If I can get this to work out - I also want to make a "marketplace" forum that will display a custom layout/look as well.

So far - this is what I have. The part that I'm "stumped" on is how to not display the bottom part  -[test test]. This is the default WYSWYG editor field.





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Instead of custom fields, I decided to user the feature "Add Message ..." on the top of the topic.  ( check more here,  https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/441960-solved-info-div-on-topic-top/


My option is completely manual, but it gives me a little more flexibility. I added a permission for collaborators, so they can also add "messages" on the topic.




I wonder @joshuaj  how did you manage to add the fields. Did you have to add some CSS code or this is how they look like when you add custom fields to the topic ? any extra work ?
Thanks for sharing.


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14 hours ago, gabs007 said:

Instead of custom fields, I decided to user the feature "Add Message ..." on the top of the topic.  ( check more here,  https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/441960-solved-info-div-on-topic-top/


My option is completely manual, but it gives me a little more flexibility. I added a permission for collaborators, so they can also add "messages" on the topic.




I wonder @joshuaj  how did you manage to add the fields. Did you have to add some CSS code or this is how they look like when you add custom fields to the topic ? any extra work ?
Thanks for sharing.


The fields you can add with the Template System by Headstand. This is what it looks like after you add it to a specific forum:



Inside the settings of Template System - you can then customize how it will display in the forums. I decided to use the ipsGrid and make a 2 column layout - on the leftside I coded it to show the field data - on the right side I coded it to show the image that is uploaded.

My intention is to create a "Review Forum" so that my users can upload their websites and have people review/give feedback inside of that forum.

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