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NEW Facebook error

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I've had facebook running for logins for some time now and all of a sudden it's broke. I get:

Can't Load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and subdomains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.

Click okay and I'm told I must enable profile sharing.

However, I CAN sync facebook within my account settings. Nothing has changed, all the the facebook app settings are correct. It used to work.

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Added it and I get this:

This is an invalid redirect URI for this application
You can make this URI valid by adding it to the list of valid OAuth redirect URIs above

I do not have a "community" subfolder. I entered:


https://fun4oakdale.us is in the redirect urls.

I don't understand how it can sync from within my community, but I can't login using fb.


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Well, your home url is actually http://fun4oakdale.us (I went to the https version, and clicked the logo to redirect to your home url) so use this instead....


Other issues with https://fun4oakdalte.us - the SSL certificate in place on that is not a valid certificate for that site name as it doesn't have the domain name as a Subject Alternative Name, and instead the Subject is a different domain (which does redirect to fun4oakdale.us)


Suggestion: resolve the SSL certificate issue with your host. Once done, set your home url in the conf_global.php to the correct https:// version and then work on the Facebook issue.

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in my community the same problem ...
barely solved the first problem as written above, the following error occurred ..


URL blocked: Failed redirect, because the final URI is not listed in the white list in the OAuth Client Settings section of the application. Ensure that the OAuth login is enabled for the client and Web forms, and add all of your application domains as valid URIs for OAuth redirection.

tell me how to solve the problem?
community https://forum.kamfishing.ru


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