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Code hook at the end of the method


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I would like extend a method and need to execute my code AFTER the parent method is run but before it returns.

The method is searchResult(). I have to manipulate $status object BEFORE it used in template. 

	public static function searchResult( array $indexData, array $authorData, array $itemData, array $containerData = NULL, array $reputationData, $reviewRating, $iPostedIn, $view, $asItem, $canIgnoreComments=FALSE )
		$status = static::constructFromData( $itemData );
		$status->reputation = $reputationData;
		$profileOwner = isset( $itemData['profile'] ) ? $itemData['profile'] : NULL;
		$profileOwnerData = $profileOwner ?: $authorData;
		$status->_url = \IPS\Http\Url::internal( "app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$profileOwnerData['member_id']}&status={$itemData['status_id']}&type=status", 'front', 'profile', array( $profileOwnerData['members_seo_name'] ) );
        // ################ HERE ################

		return \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'statuses', 'core', 'front' )->statusContainer( $status, $authorData, $profileOwner, $view == 'condensed' );

It works, when I patch the code at the place marked with HERE. And now how do I add the code to the hook?

	static public function searchResult( $indexData, $authorData, $itemData, $containerData, $reputationData, $reviewRating, $iPostedIn, $view, $asItem, $canIgnoreComments=false )
		return call_user_func_array( 'parent::searchResult', func_get_args() );

I cannot add it before return call_user_func_array as $status object does not exist yet. And I cannot add it after return logically.


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Could you describe what you're trying to change in the status object?

There are several ways to manipulate the status object.

1. You could override status::constructFromData, set a custom variable inside of the searchResult method, then call parent::searchResult and customize the status::constructFromData response if your custom variable is set, which indicates that it was called from the searchResult method...

2. You could just override status::constructFromData and modify it always

3. You could create a theme hook to run custom code before the template is returned... ( That's the way which I would recommend ) 

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You could create a Theme Hook (instead of Code Hook) and select core → front → statuses in the Template Group field.


Open ipsThemeCoreFrStatuses.php file located in the hooks folder. Now you can create statusContainer() method which accepts nothing. Then use func_get_args() function to get all passed arguments, modify what you need and then return the parent method.



This example replaces all statuses with 'something': ipsThemeCoreFrStatuses.php

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5 hours ago, Daniel F said:

Could you describe what you're trying to change in the status object?

I have implemented tags functionality on status with code hooks. It works and is saved in search index. I can also search now for tags in statuses. The only thing I miss: displaying tags in template for activity stream statusContainer(). The tags are in $indexData['index_tags'] parameter of searchResult(). But $indexData is not used in template statusContainer (see the method above). That's why I need to add it to $status manually. 

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