Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
May 25, 20186 yr Hello @All Astronauts Can I request feature of this post? : The block I mentioned there is the Wysiwyg Editor of Page.
May 28, 20186 yr @All Astronauts, the "Shrink the Cover Photo Area when no Cover Photo is Present?" setting doesn't appear to be working (doing anything) in 4.3.3 with KS 22.0.
May 28, 20186 yr Yeah, okay, checked around some more. It seems to conflict with this: When @Adriano Faria's application is enabled, the cover photo thing doesn't shrink on the profiles. It's full height.
May 28, 20186 yr Not sure I follow the mention; profile seems to be working fine w/o my resource enabled, which simply adds a new button: Without: With: Plugin: /* !Hook Data - DO NOT REMOVE */ public static function hookData() { return array_merge_recursive( array ( 'profileHeader' => array ( 0 => array ( 'selector' => '#elEditProfile', 'type' => 'add_inside_start', 'content' => '{{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->isAdmin() AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->hasAcpRestriction( "core", "members", "member_edit" )}} <li> <a class="ipsButton ipsButton_overlaid" href=\'{url="app=advmedit&module=display&controller=display&id=$member->member_id" base="front" seoTemplate="advmedit_edit" seoTitle="$member->members_seo_name" csrf="true"}\' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title=\'{lang="advmedit_full" sprintf="$member->name"}\'><i class=\'fa fa-user-secret\'></i> <span class="ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsResponsive_inline"> {lang="advmedit_title"}</a> </li> {{endif}}', ), ), ), parent::hookData() ); } /* End Hook Data */
May 28, 20186 yr I get shorter cover pics with KS enabled and your application disabled, and when I enable your application, they're always full height. Edit: Was 100% reproducible five minutes ago. Then I moved some plugins and applications around in the order and… now it seems to be working even with both enabled. Chalk it up to the goofiness of the IPS hooks system, I guess.
May 28, 20186 yr All KS does in this instance is check if there is a coverphoto. If no coverphoto #elProfileHeader gets a class added to it, and the shrinking happens in the css. On the element you'll see: <div class="ipsPageHead_special ks_nocoverphoto" id="elProfileHeader" data-controller="" data-url="http://localhost/dev/index.php?/profile/1-fate/&csrfKey=fdadf48e5cede872be208ccf9b925005" data-coveroffset="0"> Check your css, when there is no cover photo and that setting is enabled you'll see the ks_nocoverphoto class there
June 2, 20186 yr KS 23 Released! Swept through and minimized as much as could be minimized. That's more css targeting and less template over-writes. One sacrifice is the option to move edit, quote, or report to the post menu's option dropdown on the bottom of the posts. And actually, the toggle to move the report post bit is still there but just hides the report post bit at the moment - forgot that but it's late here so I'll add the other half of that - to stick it in the bottom post menu - tomorrow. Grief from places is the reason why. You can still change those bits down there to icons and customize the Font Awesome bits though. On the plus side I don't have to maintain that nonsense anymore (see earlier posts here in this support topic) - that means those fix bits for some 3rd-party apps are gone now - no longer needed. Screenshots, as usual, were wiped out in the Marketplace entry recently so a new batch is in there - just settings pics for now. Didn't look at the update pulse icon stuff yet but I think that needs a sweep soon. It still works fine of course but prob. needs cleaning.
June 2, 20186 yr @Josiah Wallingford The Create Menu on mobile (tablet and phone) stuff is in now, you'll see it in KS 24. BTW, one casualty of the sweep is changing the post menu bits (edit, quote, etc.) - you can still swap all those for Font Awesome button icons - all good - except for the first post in a topic where the edit menu option has to stay text - there is nothing there to grab to change it now. So it goes... Report post option also now finished out - leave where it is or drop it down into the post menu alongside edit, quote, etc. Can swap it out for a Font Awesome button icon as well. Again, that's KS 24, soon-ish.
June 10, 20186 yr Hello @All Astronauts 1. I use Ehren Shift 4.3 theme, without any conflicts? 2. Feature request: Is possible add a setting to control privacy of a topic? I mean user can creating topic choosing who can participates...... Edited June 10, 20186 yr by kmk
June 24, 20186 yr Hi Enabling this option: Include category descriptions along with category titles? is it possible to have the description go right under the category title, at present if you have subforums the description goes under/after the subforums and it does not look quite right. Would look neater if description went under title. Thank you
June 25, 20186 yr @bearback That's not KS. Mine adds the description only on the forum index page. Everything else you see is the default IPS look. I can take a look though.
June 25, 20186 yr Not saying it's KS issue was just enquiring if the description could go under category title. My example is showing part of my forum index page, with the description added using KS. Adds description below sub forums. for example above I have banger hobbies title and description is hobbies and pastimes with Subforum between thank you for your reply Edited June 25, 20186 yr by bearback
July 9, 20186 yr @All Astronauts Any reason why the edit button on the first post of each topic isn't accepting the css added to the other edit buttons?
July 9, 20186 yr I'll give it another look and see what I can do though this quirk is only seen by the topic author.
July 10, 20186 yr Ohhh, I see. I'll check back soon to see if you've come up with anything. Not too much of a concern, just looks kinda off.
July 14, 20186 yr @All Astronauts Can you please bring back referer= so that I can redirect people to custom URLs after they log in?
July 14, 20186 yr I don't follow, did I remove something from kitchen sink I'm forgetting about or is this a new thing you want included?
July 14, 20186 yr This is a new thing I'd like to see included. IPS 3.x had this ability. Now that IPS Connect is gone, I'm working on rewriting a Wordpress SSO solution from scratch. It currently makes use of the IPS login form, but there's no way to redirect the user back to wordpress after logging in. I figure me referring users to KS would be a great way for you to sell a few extra copies if you're interested in doing the work. Edited July 14, 20186 yr by Dan C
July 19, 20186 yr How can I increase the number of uploaded images in a single post? No matter what I do it seems to be capped at 10.
July 19, 20186 yr KS - Posts Tab - Scroll to the bottom. Number of allowed attachments. KS default is 25 so someone must have changed it on your site some time.