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Not sure if possible but might be nice to be able to export a Page created and then import into Pages

Reason am asking is because create a page on test forum then when happy with it got to do everything again on live forum and might just be easier to be able to export from test forum and upload to live forum

Same idea for Blocks

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12 hours ago, steve00 said:

Not sure if possible but might be nice to be able to export a Page created and then import into Pages

Reason am asking is because create a page on test forum then when happy with it got to do everything again on live forum and might just be easier to be able to export from test forum and upload to live forum

Same idea for Blocks

This might be the most powerful suggestion of the past year I've seen.

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Maybe you can describe an example to make it more clearer though. I find it hard to imagine how that would work properly. The page itself is just a container. It holds blocks and displays them according to various templates. Both the templates and the blocks (and everything they are calling) can be incompatible between installations. What should happen during import then? 

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36 minutes ago, opentype said:

Maybe you can describe an example to make it more clearer though. I find it hard to imagine how that would work properly. The page itself is just a container. It holds blocks and displays them according to various templates. Both the templates and the blocks (and everything they are calling) can be incompatible between installations. What should happen during import then? 

Not sure I follow.

If create a page with blocks, WYSIWYG etc on a test forum then just asking if possibly export the whole lot and then able to import into live forum (running same version of IPB)

I understand likely not going to be easy and was only asking if possible.

Themes, plugins, hooks etc work when importing into software so maybe same idea possible with a page ?

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I actually have to agree with this request. There remain gaps in the ability to export things, and i really don't like the idea of providing a raw .phtml file with the page code for a client's custom dev repo commit(doing the big upgrade, going to be a while before it can be copied in), let alone releasing something like that.

On 3/28/2016 at 2:44 AM, opentype said:

Maybe you can describe an example to make it more clearer though. I find it hard to imagine how that would work properly. The page itself is just a container. It holds blocks and displays them according to various templates. Both the templates and the blocks (and everything they are calling) can be incompatible between installations. What should happen during import then? 

Blocks use keys. Templates use keys. This is literally non-issue, unless you are hard-coding things. At very least, manual HTML pages and blocks have value in allowing export. Page builder pages I agree could prove troublesome, but potentially still possible.

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