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4.1 thrown a few things out


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Where the red arrows arethe view of the skin is out and also Ive got some notification saying something about a template not existing??

Can anyone please help with with this and advise on how to return the view back to some form of normality ??

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You'll have to edit your template.  Move the breadcrumbs

<div id='elHeaderNavigation' class='ipsSubNavigation'>
					{template="utilitiesMenu" app="core" group="global" params=""}
					{template="breadcrumb" app="core" group="global" params="true"}


<div id='ipsLayout_contentWrapper'>

... do the same for the bottom breadcrumbs.  I put the bottom breadcrumb div right below this line...

{template="sidebar" if="theme.sidebar_position == 'right'" app="core" group="global" params="'right'"}

Then, what I did was add a new HTML template to core>global named utilitiesMenu to clear that error.  You'll then probably want to rebuild a new template from scratch... but doing these steps will get your forum looking right until then. ;)

Hope this helps.

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Cheers mate .... If I knew how to do all that I'd give it a go lol

Do i replace the top code with the code at the bottom ???

I wouldnt mind but I hadnt messed with anything from the original ipb4 so I dont understand why its chucked this at me :(

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1 hour ago, Stuart Silvester said:

The utilitiesMenu was removed from 4.1, you should remove any references to it from your modified template.

Thanks, didn't realize that.  I thought it was an addition to 4.1 that wasn't included in my current theme.  Maybe I don't need to re-create my theme after all.


{template="utilitiesMenu" app="core" group="global" params=""}


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3 hours ago, CA3LE said:

 Maybe I don't need to re-create my theme after all.

Actually... I had to remake my template.  It was buggy when opening to send a PM... figured there may be more bugs so it's better to be safe and start a fresh template.  At least in my situation.

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