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Anyone who upgraded have issues with members not being able to edit their own posts or use the quote function ?


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After the upgrade I've had several different members with issues editing their own posts made before the upgrade. This includes section mods.  I've checked their permissions and edit posts/content is checked.  There is NOT a "Save" button. Instead, there's a "Submit Topic" button. Anyone run into this ? When they submit the changes they get:


Sorry, there is a problem

Something went wrong. Please try again.

Error code: EX2

On the quote issue a member will see just the date and user of the original post...if you click the grey down arrow icon to the left of the date another arrow on the right shows up to the far right of the grey quote box that will allow someone who clicks the arrow to be taken to the post.



quote error2.jpg

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1 hour ago, Joel R said:

Yes.  I had this problem.  Upgrade to 4.1.2 and clear website cache, then clear browser cache.  

This is a workaround but not a solution (in my opinion).
You cannot force your users to clear cache in order to have a working production system.

From developers view, this is a way to solve it, but asking your members constantly clearing the cache is ... :unsure:

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