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Improving Performance


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When it made an analysis of loading CSS - yes, Google Web Development test angry (w00t)

I did many experiments, but I think I found a better communication solution.

For my convenience, and to protect the site, from source code site created html file which experiments are easy.

For a short description will show you the final results and what should be changed.

Tests before changes:

GTmetrix - 98/100 speed 92/100 YSlow

Google Development - 75/100 Mobile and 90/100 desk

Tests after changes:

GTmetrix - 99/100 speed 92/100 YSlow


Google Development - 79/100 Mobile and 92/100 desk


What I changed?

1.Framework.css divided into two CSS - glob.css and fram.css

In glob.css -only global.css & layout.css -> Loading in header

In fram.css - everything else -> Loading before JS ( JS before  /body tag )

2. page.css -> I have wrapped in custom.css

That's it - the test html works very well

Whether such a change is possible in the template code?


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Although online tests have a use, and point you in the right direction for best practices etc, they're not the be all and end all. The changes you describe have clearly improved those test scores, but I'd imagine that although they'll maybe improve the load by 100'th of a second here and there they'll make no noticeable difference to the user experience, which is the most important thing.


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Does it really make a difference though? You'd need to do some real-user testing to show that, and in my experience there's usually nothing in it when making this sort of change. I'm not saying it's not worth doing, but with only 24 hours in a day sometimes it's worth focusing on other things rather than spending a lot of time trying to get a better score on online speed testers. 

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I think Adlago considerations are important. Even if they mean a tenth of second, they are important, though. As you start summing up several small optimizations, the site will be definitely faster, and that is important.

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They may not mean 1/10 of a  second though, that's why I'm suggesting doing some real user testing - they may mean 1/100 of a second or less, and at that point what would you prefer, time spent on that or time spent on bug fixing, new features, or optimisations which are far more significant?

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It's diminishing returns for sure. Especially on a forum where you load the js/css/avatars/forum gfx maybe once a week if your .htaccess/caching is setup correctly. The pagespeed/yslow stuff is mostly concerned with first-view scenarios. That's important for static webpages but it's not critical for a forum.

For my forum the backend php processing time dwarfs anything else :) 

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Anything I can do to improve this (IPS Cloud): https://gtmetrix.com/reports/clarity-dojo.com/n70hQQMw

These results are kinda weird, before my pagespeed was high and yslow was low, now it's the opposite.

Yet it's the same site, doing the same thing, using the same layout and placement of images.

  • specify image dimensions
  • serve scaled images
  • optimize images

It's all images related, but I don't know how to improve it and I'm hosted by IPS Cloud itself so that's limited.

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