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block editor broken

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i opened a ticket last night but still have no reply . figured i would give this a shot and see if anyone has a fix.

my block's are all at the top of my site http://i.gyazo.com/dc4c02485e0faa23d5ed2bba3855b8ad.png

i cant edit them ,move them or delete them .

i tried the support option in the acp with no luck.

removed all my themes and applications and plugins .

im at a loss and my site looks horrible .

realy wishing i stayed with 3.4 about now :(

i opened a ticket last night but still have no reply . figured i would give this a shot and see if anyone has a fix.

my block's are all at the top of my site http://i.gyazo.com/dc4c02485e0faa23d5ed2bba3855b8ad.png

i cant edit them ,move them or delete them .

i tried the support option in the acp with no luck.

removed all my themes and applications and plugins .

im at a loss and my site looks horrible .

realy wishing i stayed with 3.4 about now :(



You can go back to the default theme and check all templates & CSS if there is none modified . if there is then "Revert" it ..

Do you use Pages Blocks ? Take a copy of your code & delete them ..

Hopefully it will come back to normal again ..

Check your result with every change on your site, but not as guest, as member or admin .. otherwise your cache will not update immediately with a result ..



  • Author

there were no mods to the default .

nope no pages.

i did have the demo of collaberation installed but i deleted it thinking it might be the cause .

i have the core , forums ,chat and the calander .

i disabled or deleted all my plugins

i'm running the beta of the shoutbox atm but i have tried removing it also with the same results .

i'm at a loss ,its only on the  forum index i'm having these issues block editor works fine in the topic view.

also having an issue when i try and download themes , it just goes to a page of code lol

guess im waiting in line for ips support think there swammped atm :)

  • Author

System Logs


 | /applications/core/modules/admin/applications/applications.php             | [IPS\featuredcontent\setup\upg_40000\_Upgrade].step1                          | 654               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\_applications].IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\{closure}|                   |
 | /system/Helpers/MultipleRedirect/MultipleRedirect.php                      | [].call_user_func                                                             | 71                |
 | /applications/core/modules/admin/applications/applications.php             | [IPS\Helpers\_MultipleRedirect].__construct                                   | 745               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\_applications].upgrade                   |                   |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Controller.php                                          | [].call_user_func                                                             | 85                |
 | /system/Node/Controller.php                                                | [IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller].execute                                          | 63                |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php                                          | [IPS\Node\_Controller].execute                                                | 129               |
 | /admin/index.php                                                           | [IPS\_Dispatcher].run                                                         | 13                |
Tue, 28 Apr 2015 01:35:50 +0000 (Severity: 0) - http://.com/admin/?adsess=583a0f91a0477bab5c5b242626d83cdb&app=core&module=applications&controller=applications&do=upgrade&appKey=featuredcontent&mr={%22laststep%22:%22start%22,%22key%22:%22featuredcontent%22}
Table '.a4212887_featuredcontent_sliders' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO `a4212887_featuredcontent_sliders` ( `fcs_enabled`, `fcs_title`, `fcs_style`, `fcs_total_items`, `fcs_maxSlides`, `fcs_minSlides`, `fcs_img_w`, `fcs_img_h`, `fcs_speed`, `fcs_duration`, `fcs_method`, `fcs_forums`, `fcs_sortkey`, `fcs_sortby`, `fcs_rssURL`, `fcs_position`, `fcs_bitoptions` ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )
    [0] => 1
    [1] => wfl
    [2] => horizontal
    [3] => 24
    [4] => 6
    [5] => 1
    [6] => 250
    [7] => 160
    [8] => 5000
    [9] => 10000
    [10] => default
    [11] => 3,4,76,75,231,25,29,205,206,175,30,202,203,198,200,201,204,212,213,214,233,11,18,232,177,12,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,17,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,27,148,156,149,151,152,153,155,157,158,222,160,159,154,225,226,145,92,99,100,116,184,185,101,117,102,118,103,119,104,120,105,121,106,122,107,123,108,124,109,125,110,126,111,127,112,128,113,129,114,130,115,131,180,239,5,9,186,6,146,22,161,147,19,189,10,187,23,207,8,188,21,28,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,223,172,173,174,224,227,229,176,13,31,32,33,34,86,93,94,40,54,56,55,87,88,89,90,14,41,42,162,43,215,216,218,219,230,217,228,220,66,72,78,79,194,71,80,81,82,83,84,85,67,211,77,74
    [12] => start_date
    [13] => DESC
    [14] => 
    [15] => 1
    [16] => 31

 | File                                                                       | Function                                                                      | Line No.          |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\Db\_Exception].__construct                                               | 363               |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\_Db].preparedQuery                                                       | 604               |
 | /applications/featuredcontent/setup/upg_40000/upgrade.php                  | [IPS\_Db].insert                                                              | 48                |
 | /applications/core/modules/admin/applications/applications.php             | [IPS\featuredcontent\setup\upg_40000\_Upgrade].step1                          | 654               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\_applications].IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\{closure}|                   |
 | /system/Helpers/MultipleRedirect/MultipleRedirect.php                      | [].call_user_func                                                             | 71                |
 | /applications/core/modules/admin/applications/applications.php             | [IPS\Helpers\_MultipleRedirect].__construct                                   | 745               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\_applications].upgrade                   |                   |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Controller.php                                          | [].call_user_func                                                             | 85                |
 | /system/Node/Controller.php                                                | [IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller].execute                                          | 63                |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php                                          | [IPS\Node\_Controller].execute                                                | 129               |
 | /admin/index.php                                                           | [IPS\_Dispatcher].run                                                         | 13                |
Tue, 28 Apr 2015 22:56:07 +0000 (Severity: 0) - .com/?app=shoutbox&module=shoutbox&controller=shoutbox&do=update
Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
REPLACE INTO `a4212887_core_sessions` ( `id`, `member_name`, `seo_name`, `member_id`, `ip_address`, `browser`, `running_time`, `login_type`, `member_group`, `current_appcomponent`, `current_module`, `current_controller`, `current_id`, `uagent_key`, `uagent_version`, `uagent_type`, `search_thread_id`, `search_thread_time`, `data`, `location_url`, `location_lang`, `location_data`, `location_permissions` ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )
    [0] => 416a55f37254c18bab79331cc559f35e
    [1] => members name
    [2] => members name
    [3] => 65
    [4] => members ip
    [5] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0
    [6] => 1430261767
    [7] => 0
    [8] => 17
    [9] => 
    [10] => 
    [11] => 
    [12] => 0
    [13] => firefox
    [14] => 37.0
    [15] => browser
    [16] => 0
    [17] => 0
    [18] => 
    [19] => .com/index.php?/
    [20] => loc_forums_index
    [21] => []
    [22] => *

 | File                                                                       | Function                                                                      | Line No.          |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\Db\_Exception].__construct                                               | 389               |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\_Db].preparedQuery                                                       | 622               |
 | /system/Session/Front.php                                                  | [IPS\_Db].replace                                                             | 274               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\Session\_Front].write                                                    |                   |
 |                                                                            | [].session_write_close                                                        |                   |
Tue, 28 Apr 2015 23:17:03 +0000 (Severity: 0) - .com/index.php?/topic/11130-what-we-do-in-the-shadows-2014/&do=reportComment&comment=46224
Column 'author' cannot be null
INSERT INTO `a4212887_core_rc_index` ( `class`, `content_id`, `perm_id`, `first_report_by`, `first_report_date`, `author`, `status` ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ? )
    [0] => IPS\forums\Topic\Post
    [1] => 46224
    [2] => 267
    [3] => 304
    [4] => 1430263023
    [5] => 
    [6] => 1

 | File                                                                       | Function                                                                      | Line No.          |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\Db\_Exception].__construct                                               | 389               |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\_Db].preparedQuery                                                       | 604               |
 | /system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php                                          | [IPS\_Db].insert                                                              | 395               |
 | /system/Content/Content.php                                                | [IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord].save                                             | 744               |
 | /system/Content/Controller.php                                             | [IPS\_Content].report                                                         | 1389              |
 | /system/Content/Controller.php                                             | [IPS\Content\_Controller]._report                                             | 980               |
 | /applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php                        | [IPS\Content\_Controller].__call                                              | 695               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic].__call                               |                   |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\topic].reportComment                         |                   |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Controller.php                                          | [].call_user_func                                                             | 85                |
 | /system/Content/Controller.php                                             | [IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller].execute                                          | 45                |
 | /applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php                        | [IPS\Content\_Controller].execute                                             | 40                |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php                                          | [IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic].execute                              | 129               |
 | /index.php                                                                 | [IPS\_Dispatcher].run                                                         | 13                |
Tue, 28 Apr 2015 23:17:03 +0000 (Severity: 0) - .com/index.php?/topic/11130-what-we-do-in-the-shadows-2014/&do=reportComment&comment=46224
Column 'author' cannot be null
INSERT INTO `a4212887_core_rc_index` ( `class`, `content_id`, `perm_id`, `first_report_by`, `first_report_date`, `author`, `status` ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ? )
    [0] => IPS\forums\Topic\Post
    [1] => 46224
    [2] => 267
    [3] => 304
    [4] => 1430263023
    [5] => 
    [6] => 1

 | File                                                                       | Function                                                                      | Line No.          |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\Db\_Exception].__construct                                               | 389               |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\_Db].preparedQuery                                                       | 604               |
 | /system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php                                          | [IPS\_Db].insert                                                              | 395               |
 | /system/Content/Content.php                                                | [IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord].save                                             | 744               |
 | /system/Content/Controller.php                                             | [IPS\_Content].report                                                         | 1389              |
 | /system/Content/Controller.php                                             | [IPS\Content\_Controller]._report                                             | 980               |
 | /applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php                        | [IPS\Content\_Controller].__call                                              | 695               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic].__call                               |                   |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\topic].reportComment                         |                   |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Controller.php                                          | [].call_user_func                                                             | 85                |
 | /system/Content/Controller.php                                             | [IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller].execute                                          | 45                |
 | /applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php                        | [IPS\Content\_Controller].execute                                             | 40                |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php                                          | [IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic].execute                              | 129               |
 | /index.php                                                                 | [IPS\_Dispatcher].run                                                         | 13                |
Tue, 28 Apr 2015 23:17:58 +0000 (Severity: 0) - .com/index.php?/topic/11130-what-we-do-in-the-shadows-2014/&do=reportComment&comment=46224
Column 'author' cannot be null
INSERT INTO `a4212887_core_rc_index` ( `class`, `content_id`, `perm_id`, `first_report_by`, `first_report_date`, `author`, `status` ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ? )
    [0] => IPS\forums\Topic\Post
    [1] => 46224
    [2] => 267
    [3] => 304
    [4] => 1430263078
    [5] => 
    [6] => 1

 | File                                                                       | Function                                                                      | Line No.          |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\Db\_Exception].__construct                                               | 389               |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\_Db].preparedQuery                                                       | 604               |
 | /system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php                                          | [IPS\_Db].insert                                                              | 395               |
 | /system/Content/Content.php                                                | [IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord].save                                             | 744               |
 | /system/Content/Controller.php                                             | [IPS\_Content].report                                                         | 1389              |
 | /system/Content/Controller.php                                             | [IPS\Content\_Controller]._report                                             | 980               |
 | /applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php                        | [IPS\Content\_Controller].__call                                              | 695               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic].__call                               |                   |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\topic].reportComment                         |                   |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Controller.php                                          | [].call_user_func                                                             | 85                |
 | /system/Content/Controller.php                                             | [IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller].execute                                          | 45                |
 | /applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php                        | [IPS\Content\_Controller].execute                                             | 40                |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php                                          | [IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic].execute                              | 129               |
 | /index.php                                                                 | [IPS\_Dispatcher].run                                                         | 13                |
Tue, 28 Apr 2015 23:17:59 +0000 (Severity: 0) - .com/index.php?/topic/11130-what-we-do-in-the-shadows-2014/&do=reportComment&comment=46224
Column 'author' cannot be null
INSERT INTO `a4212887_core_rc_index` ( `class`, `content_id`, `perm_id`, `first_report_by`, `first_report_date`, `author`, `status` ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL, ? )
    [0] => IPS\forums\Topic\Post
    [1] => 46224
    [2] => 267
    [3] => 304
    [4] => 1430263079
    [5] => 
    [6] => 1

 | File                                                                       | Function                                                                      | Line No.          |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\Db\_Exception].__construct                                               | 389               |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\_Db].preparedQuery                                                       | 604               |
 | /system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php                                          | [IPS\_Db].insert                                                              | 395               |
 | /system/Content/Content.php                                                | [IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord].save                                             | 744               |
 | /system/Content/Controller.php                                             | [IPS\_Content].report                                                         | 1389              |
 | /system/Content/Controller.php                                             | [IPS\Content\_Controller]._report                                             | 980               |
 | /applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php                        | [IPS\Content\_Controller].__call                                              | 695               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic].__call                               |                   |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\topic].reportComment                         |                   |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Controller.php                                          | [].call_user_func                                                             | 85                |
 | /system/Content/Controller.php                                             | [IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller].execute                                          | 45                |
 | /applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php                        | [IPS\Content\_Controller].execute                                             | 40                |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php                                          | [IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic].execute                              | 129               |
 | /index.php                                                                 | [IPS\_Dispatcher].run                                                         | 13                |

wow just realised were these were , any help would be amazing .


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