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IP.Board Russian Language Pack

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IP.Board 3.4.0-3.4.9 Russian Language Pack + Help Files + System Settings + Extra
IP.Board 3.4.0-3.4.9 русский языковой перевод + Помощь + Настройка системы + другое

Это максимальный перевод на русский язык IP.Board 3.4.x.
IP.Board 3.4.0-3.4.9 полный русский языковой перевод всего админцентра и всей публичной части - профессиональный перевод, адаптированный и пересмотренный. Полностью переведены админцентр и публичная часть, включая разделы "Настройка системы", "Системный планировщик", "ББ-коды" и другие. C помощью инструкций в приложенном файле read_me.txt вы можете установить как полный перевод этого аддона, так и установить полный перевод только публичной части, оставив админцентр на английском языке.

Архивы в этом релизе

1. IP.Board.zip - IP.Board 3.4.0-3.4.9 (админцентр и публичная часть на русском языке, в пределах меню языковых строк).
2. Help.zip - перевод раздела "Помощь".
3. IP.Board additional.zip - перевод разделов "Настройка системы", "Системный планировщик", "ББ-коды" и других.

Все переводы автора и пояснениеОтличительной особенностью всех моих переводов является отсутствие какого-либо вмешательства в программный код продуктов IPS. Я делаю только перевод во всех местах, где это возможно. Это исключает проблемы при установке обновлений и критических обновлений безопасности от IPS.


  • 2 weeks later...

All files are saved in NOT UTF-8. It is impossible to read them on non-Russian OS.


The file names and contents should be stored in UTF-8 or you should add an instruction of how to convert them into readable content.

  • Author

Files data is saved in UTF-8. Check you OS locale settings for the correct file names. You did not purchase this files and were added to this product as the courtesy of the author. You purchased only the 79 USD translation (*.xml files only) which was removed from the Marketplace. I do not and can not provide support in setting the proper locale on your own OS.


All *.sql files you see with wrong file names should be opened in Notepad++, db tables prefix should be changed to yours and then the content should be copied and imported to the db in ACP.

See read_me.txt for the installation instructions.

My OS settings are OK.

I have figurred out, that when you save files in Notepad you should choose save as UTF-8 under options. If you have not choosen any option, then your files are saved per default in WIN-1251 (assuming you are on Russian OS). Additionally file names should contain only latin characters, probably.

I have purchased full version today from you site. And still trying to figure out how to convert ALL files at once. There is a software Kaboom that can convert content of one file. When you use this software, you can see that the content of the files is not UTF-8. But I also need to convert the file names. No luck so far.

  • Author

There is no "Save as"+UTF8 in options in Notepad++. There is conversion to UTF8 before saving in Notepad++. And all files' data is already converted to UTF8 as shown on the screen above.

Files can be opened well in your case and the content should be displayed in UTF8. File names are not improtant. You can rename files with Russian names to 1.txt, 2.txt, etc.

What is you OS type and version: Windows 8 or 7?

My OS is Windows 7 in German and it is not my OS, but your files.

On the screenshot below you can see that I am able to create files with Russian names. I am also able to save Russian content into the files. Same folder, same OS. Your files names consist of special chars and the content of your files consists of the special chars as well.


Believe or not, but the issue is your files and not my OS. I also get files emailed or per Skype with Russian names and russian content and do not have such issues if they are saved properly.

Now I convert all files file by file with special tools. And yes, I can rename files and thus do not know what file is supposed to be for what. Or open all files to find out which one I really need. And no, this is not Notepad++, but just Notepad (Windows standard programm) where option save as UTF-8 is available.

  • Author

Please, try to change the locale to Russian following the link above and let me know the result.

I have tried this settings. It breaks my German programms and does not help to see file names or file contents.

I have now found a tool that converts your files in UTF-8 http://2cyr.com/decode/ including file names. It's a pain, but just renaming them into 1.txt, 2.txt etc. is not a solution when I read in (meanwhile converted) readme.txt

7.1.1 Открыть в обычном текстовом редакторе (Notepad++) файл "Безопасность и конфиденциальность.sql".

In my case it looks like 櫵¿á½ý¡ÙÑ ¼Ññ¿á ¿ «Ô»Óáó¬á ßßÙ½«¬.sql :D

  • Author

All read_me.txt were converted to UTF-8. read_me.pdf was added to the IP.Board.zip, IP.Board additional.zip, Help.Zip. Can be downloaded here. Please, let me know of any other problems.

In my case it looks like 櫵¿á½ý¡ÙÑ ¼Ññ¿á ¿ «Ô»Óáó¬á ßßÙ½«¬.sql

Looks like you have to find Russian windows or use the tool to convert. All *.sql files can be imported to the UTF-8 system via PHP MyAdmin having tables prefix changed in Notepad++. There is one instruction for the *.sql files. File names are giving the idea of what sections are being translated with this files being imported.

  • 1 year later...


There is no file "Управление файлами справки 2.sql" in downloaded archive.

In readme file wrote that it shold be.

Thank you/


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