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Topic Thumbnail for IPS4.x


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6 hours ago, Lenny Warren said:

Hi there,

I'm sure I asked this before, butu haven't used my Invision forum for ages...

Standard IPB theme will grey out the forum icon if all the posts are read. Is there a way to do this with topic thumbnails?

So, icon is normal if new posts, but greyed out if all posts are read?

The thumbnails are not grey. In the past, I got some complains about this feature so I removed it. I will consider it again.

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9 hours ago, onlyME said:

The thumbnails are not grey. In the past, I got some complains about this feature so I removed it. I will consider it again.

Thanks, strange why you got complaints. The whole point of icons next to topics is to know which topics have new posts. The default theme has a dark grey speech bubble for new posts, light grey for no new posts. It's common sense. 😉

Afraid I can't use it without a read/unread difference, my members complain. Could it be switchable?

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Ah, spoke too soon. It doesn't work...

my custom.css is as follows. It makes the unread faint, but read fainter still.

When I copied an dpasted, I got a few red dots? I edited them out, but >?????




#ipsLayout_contentWrapper {
  background-color: {theme="area_background_reset"};

body {
    background: url({resource="background.jpg" app="core" location="admin"}) repeat center top fixed #000;  

.nbPinned {
    background: #00595c;
    color: #fff;
    /* font-weight: bold; */
    margin-top: 5px;

#ipsLayout_contentWrapper {
    padding: 20px;

body {
  max-width: 1340px;
  margin: 0 auto;

#ipsLayout_body {
  padding: 0;

.bim_tthumb_wrap {
    opacity: 0.5;
.tthumb_unread {
    opacity: 1 !important;



Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 21.50.21.png

Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 21.49.21.png

I already had this, but deleted it...



.tthumbimg, .tthumbPreview {
    opacity: 0.2 !important;

.ipsDataItem_unread .tthumbimg, .ipsDataItem_unread .tthumbPreview {
    opacity: 1 !important;



Plus, it won't let me mark forum as read...

Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 21.53.26.png

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Is this right? There were two instances of

<div class="bim_tthumb_wrap">




{{$w = !$isForumIcon ? settings.bim_tthumb_width : settings.bim_tthumb_forumIcon_width;}}
{{$h = !$isForumIcon ? settings.bim_tthumb_height : settings.bim_tthumb_forumIcon_height;}}

{{if $topic->tid > 0}}
    {{if !$isForumIcon}}
        {{if $topic->container()->canSeeThumb()}}
            <div class="bim_tthumb_wrap {{if $topic->unread()}}tthumb_unread{{endif}}">
                {{if $topic->container()->canChangeThumb($topic->starter_id)}}
                    <a href='#' alt='{$topic->title}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-url="{$topic->url('changeTopicThumbnail')}" data-ipsDialog-size="tthumb" data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="bim_tthumb_changeThumb"}' data-ipsDialog-forceReload='true' {{if settings.bim_tthumb_onhover == 1}}data-ipstpopup data-ipstpopup-width='280' data-ipstpopup-target="{$topic->url('tthumbGetImage')}"{{endif}}>
                    <a href='{$topic->url()}' alt='{$topic->title}' {{if settings.bim_tthumb_onhover == 1}}data-ipstpopup data-ipstpopup-width='280' data-ipstpopup-target="{$topic->url('tthumbGetImage')}"{{endif}}>
                    <div id='tthumb_{$topic->tid}' class="tthumb_standard" style="background-image:url('{$topic->tthumb_show()}'); width: {$w}px; height: {$h}px;"></div>                
        <div class="bim_tthumb_wrap {{if $topic->unread()}}tthumb_unread{{endif}}">
            <a {{if $topic->container()->canChangeThumb($topic->starter_id) || member.member_id}}href='#tthumb{$topic->tid}_menu' data-ipsMenu id='tthumb{$topic->tid}'{{else}}href='{$topic->url()}'{{endif}} {{if settings.bim_tthumb_onhover == 1}}data-ipstpopup data-ipstpopup-width='280' data-ipstpopup-target="{$topic->url('tthumbGetImage')}"{{endif}} alt='{$topic->title}'>
                <div {{if $topic->upload_thumbnail}}data-full="{file="$topic->upload_thumbnail" extension="forums_topicThumbnail"}"{{endif}} id="tthumb_{$topic->tid}" class='tthumb_standard' style="background-image:url('{$topic->tthumb_show()}'); width: {$w}px; height: {$h}px;"></div>
            {{if $topic->container()->canChangeThumb($topic->starter_id) || member.member_id}}
                <ul id='tthumb{$topic->tid}_menu' class='ipsMenu ipsMenu_auto ipsHide'>
                    {{if $topic->container()->canChangeThumb($topic->starter_id)}}
                        <li class='ipsMenu_item'>
                            <a href='#' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-url="{$topic->url('changeTopicThumbnail')}" data-ipsDialog-size="tthumb" data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="bim_tthumb_changeThumb"}' data-ipsDialog-forceReload='true'>
                    <li class='ipsMenu_item'>
                        <a href="{$topic->container()->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'markRead' )->csrf()}" data-action='tthumb_markAsRead' data-forumid="{$forum->id}">



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