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Easy Pages


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The 4.1.14 update was one of the most disruptive updates to my site in the last year or two. Immediately after updating I got tons of complains about members not being able to login and other issues. 

I have been running Easy Pages for quite a long time. I also experienced some of the same issues noted above. It didn't stop with the Easy Pages app either. There were many other problems - all of which worked fine before 4.1.14.

At first, I was able to partially work around the new login url problem  by doing some server based rewrites / redirects.

Ultimately, more problems surfaced and I gave up and converted what Easy Pages I had to the regular Pages app. It seems over time, the Pages app has added much of the Easy Pages functionality to it anyway.

This was still hard because many of the features I used it for I had to change or get rid of completely during the migration.

After this, I had to uninstall Easy Pages. Then I also had to reset my Furls to defaults. Then recached the site. 

This fixed most of the problems. User logins were now working properly rather than retuning error pages. 

However there were still problems unrelated to Easy Pages. It seems after resetting Furls to defaults, there were a few native IPS calls still using the old format that were not reflected in the new default Furls. So I had to go into the source code and work around those. 

And second to last of my problems, a number of url formats I used for custom theme changes previously were now broken - such as calling a topic with just a dash after it and nothing else now required two dashes. 

And the last present of 4.1.14 was some type of IPS search index task update that caused my sql server to nearly lock up so bad it caused my website to timeout while it was running. After a few days, I was able to isolate this as the problem and just set my site to only index 3 days of data so it would calm down this problem. There is a thread about this problem elsewhere on the forum.

So what went from a seemingly routine IPS incremental update, turned out to be the nightmare of the year for me. All told it probably took me a week to sort out the mess.

I will certainly take all updates very seriously from now on with full backups done immediately before so I can immediate roll back and research when this type of thing happens again. I will also likely skip many of the updates since they can cause so many problems.

As it is, it has become more common to find an increasing number of plugins and updates and template changes and urls breaking on each IPS update. I can see why the cost to develop modifications for IPS 4 has gone up. Their shelf life may be only as long as a few weeks until the next update. At the same time, the number of modifications and functionality / performance of the forum software itself are a mere fraction of what used to be available in the IPB 3 days.

For crying out loud, to this day I still have to rely on using a Google search for indexing my forum rather than the built in high performance Sphinx searching of days gone by.

Edited by prupdated
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4 hours ago, prupdated said:

The 4.1.14 update was one of the most disruptive updates to my site in the last year or two. ...

Getting a bit off-topic, but I appreciate the perspective.

In general, I would always advocate running a development/test copy of production, where you try any upgrades and changes before doing it live. That should help catch issues before they become much bigger issues. Routine backups are a good idea regardless. That being said:

I feel your pain. Lack of backwards-compatibility is definitely a big issue (my other app was plagued by it for a while, in one case they tweaked a feature three different ways in three consecutive releases), and contributor rants on the subject are long and numerous. There's not much to be done about it. IPS insists on being able to refactor and fix framework bugs as deemed necessary, at any time. To their credit, they have made an effort to try maintaining BC, post about breaking changes in advance, and make pre-release builds available. That's an improvement over what it was. Still, always unintended side-effects (see: this).

I understand their perspective, and they do what they have to do for their own business interests. Telling people, 'hey, we won't be able to fix this bug until the next major release in a year or two because it might break other stuff' isn't an option as far as they're concerned.

The flip side, of course, is that they've created an ecosystem with little semblance of stability. It's cumbersome to maintain anything substantial on it, and I think the number and state of contributors around is demonstrative.

It may be there are different design decisions they could've made to alleviate these issues--a more rigid and compact core, or a formal API and semantic versioning, or TDD, or using a common framework like Symfony... but that's largely immaterial. Not the reality we live in.

As for me, I try to fix my stuff when it breaks, but I've moved on to other pastures.

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1 hour ago, Nasgoth said:

Currently You waiting for a response from IPS support?

Yes. You're welcome to follow the bug report yourself. As it stands, I don't think it's something I can solve outside of some response to that report. There's no telling how long that might take (days, months). I could give you an alternate FURL configuration for the app to work around it, but I think you're on IPS Cloud so I'm not sure that would help anyway.

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9 hours ago, Nasgoth said:

I do not use Cloud.

I understand that it will not be fixed? Why IPS can not write exactly why this happens?

Oh, my mistake. If you can PM me FTP access, I should be able to sort it out for you then. It won't be ideal, but it'll work.

I never said it won't be fixed, just that my options right now are extremely limited. I can't control IPS's decisions or priorities.

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On 9/19/2016 at 0:52 PM, Nasgoth said:

In the code app Easy Pages? And when they come IPS update? Then withdraw the changes?

Yes, in my application code. No, it would not be overwritten by updating IPS.

8 hours ago, Nasgoth said:


Please You repair or give my money.

Look, I don't know what to say to you. I've told you repeatedly that you need to have some patience (again, I cannot respond to everything in a matter of hours); I've explained the situation and how this issue is largely out of my control right now; and I asked for access to your site to work around the issue for you four days ago. You have yet to provide that access, so I am not sure how you expect me to do anything.

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22 hours ago, Nasgoth said:

ok i send pm

Thanks. Your site should be patched now.

For anyone else, you can pretty much just change the pages/{@page} FURL template to pages/p-{@page} (or any other static text in the second part) to work around the issue. That will mean all of your page URLs change, though; for the moment, that's unavoidable.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/25/2016 at 9:52 AM, Ryan H. said:

Thanks. Your site should be patched now.

For anyone else, you can pretty much just change the pages/{@page} FURL template to pages/p-{@page} (or any other static text in the second part) to work around the issue. That will mean all of your page URLs change, though; for the moment, that's unavoidable.

What does this even mean? Just applied the upgrade on our site and just about all links are not working. IPS Support is currently logged in and looking at it. 


@Ryan H.

Edited by BRK Greg
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1 hour ago, BRK Greg said:

What does this even mean? Just applied the upgrade on our site and just about all links are not working. IPS Support is currently logged in and looking at it.

There's a section in advanced settings in the ACP to change FURL templates. That's what my explanation was referring to. I don't have an ACP handy to tell you exactly where that is -- but if you point IPS toward this and my message above, they should be able to help.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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