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FYI I didnt get it also and i normally do.

Reason 100 I love Mandrill: It logs all sent email :)

This is the line for your email. It says it was delivered to your server so perhaps check your spam filter? But yeah I did send them out :)

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Reason 100 I love Mandrill: It logs all sent email :)

This is the line for your email. It says it was delivered to your server so perhaps check your spam filter? But yeah I did send them out :)

No, that was me :)

Actually, I don't appear to have had an email either.
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  • Management

I wasnt making any accusations, just thought i was helping out...

My email seems to be working like clockwork, i get topic updates...

I normally get these admin emails too but this time i didnt. It is what it is...

I know you weren't :) I was just making sure they really did send.

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It sends one per package you have.

Oh, is that why?

I reported a bug on this once before because I thought it may have been a glitch that I kept getting two.


Well now I know.

Must be active also, because I only have one active now and I got one e-mail.

So wait, does that mean people without an active license don't receive security notices?

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