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New social options - Suggestions

Hardes Inc.

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How is everyone? first of all apologize for the topic name, really did not know that place.
Well, I had some ideas that I find nothing bad to IPB. Which are:
1. Share button - I would like to add this option for users where to click on this option to share the content that you want to share and when I say content, I mean everything as blog articles, forum topics, photos (profile pictures, albums and gallery site), user profiles, market applications (ie, an application to market share you liked), status updates, blogs, groups, calendars, among other things .
2. Subscribe / Follow - It would be great to be added to future versions the option to "follow or subscribe" to a user that you have found interesting, when you click on that option, you will automatically receive notices of user updates you follow, will be notified of all such as: status updates, new photos or albums, new threads in any forum, comments, blog articles, user pseudonym changes, changes of personal information (biography, date of birth , age, nationality, etc..), applications or products uploaded to the market, in short everything will be aware of what a user is doing is following you (almost everything) to receive notifications of things users have shared or will like.
3. Like - This option is very good, I am aware that IPB and have built, but I would like this option to be for other things, and swim over to: photos, albums, status updates, blogs, groups, links, comments items from blogs and articles for blogs, this option is never used for topics in the forums, it is better to add to the topics a reputation system, in short a system where we offer our opinion with a score of ( 5 stars) to show the quality of the item or if we like it or not.
What do you think?

Sjv, on 19 Jan 2013 - 05:11, said:

Strange thing is that all of your suggestions already exist in IPB

Do not believe all, since the option of sharing that IPS offers, is to share a message with other social networks and sites, I mean I have to share this option to display on the wall of your user profile in your community IPS. Sure to be very good at making changes that the profiles are more social and have a wall.


If people really wanted to share content on their forum profile wall, they can add those items to their profile feeds. I don't know why one would want to do this, though.


Hardes Inc., on 19 Jan 2013 - 18:24, said:

Do not believe all, since the option of sharing that IPS offers, is to share a message with other social networks and sites, I mean I have to share this option to display on the wall of your user profile in your community IPS. Sure to be very good at making changes that the profiles are more social and have a wall.

That sounds like a customisation for your own website. You can't expect all features you plan for your own website exits within the script you purchase. You need to invest money for developers and get custom features developed.


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