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Server Load Indicator Stuck?

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I ask here to know if this is normal or, on the contrary, if I should submit a support ticket.

When I first upgraded to 3.3.2 I seem to recall the server load indicator in IPB's ACP varying the amount day to day. Now it seems like it's always marking 3.47

Is this normal? I use shared server in case that matters.

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PPlanet is correct (in my opinion). The load is stuck. You can refresh it by clicking on Support > Diagnostics > Overview. This will update the dashboard. Come back a day later and the value will still be the same.

It's a bug in my opinion.


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I never found the IPB's load indicator to be ever of use... For some reason, it is so unreliable... and obviously incapable of handing multi-server setup.

Just use top or something else from shell. Or check from cpanel/similar for shared env.

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PPlanet is correct (in my opinion). The load is stuck. You can refresh it by clicking on Support > Diagnostics > Overview. This will update the dashboard. Come back a day later and the value will still be the same.

It's a bug in my opinion.


This is exactly what's happening, the first time I noticed was stuck at another value, I did refresh it probably by clicking Support > Diagnostics > Overview (but did not remember it was this until I read your post).

In that case, I'll just disregard it for now. It will probably be fixed next time I upgrade. Thanks.
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