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Download: [HQ] Awards (Free)


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Upgraded to version 3 without any hitches. Thanks for this.

When I am in the main awards page on the site and I click "View Awarded" it takes me nowhere, just leaves me on that page without doing anything.

Works for me as per the attached screen grab. One thing that does need fixing on this page is the version number and author as highlighted. I've figured out where to change the author. That's in admin/applications_addon/other/awards/modules_public/awards/awards.php. I'm still stuck at 2.2.4 showing on this page.

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Can someone see if they get that issue on my site? Or does someone have a link I can view on their site.

No listing, silly question have you added some people to the awards?

JLogica should work. So should selecting the Awards link in the demo one for RBR.
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Yes I have added people to the awards.


That's a member I have given an award too
http://www.adkgamers.com/topic/9058-everybody-knows/page__p__19551#entry19551 There's a topic showing it awarded in the left hand side.

I don't have permission to view your link, since I'm not registered on your forums. I have given everyone including guests access to the awards to test this out.

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Alright figured out the issue, it doesn't work with ProMenu when you add a link to Awards Application. You have to enter the link rather than linking to the Awards application.

It works when using http://www.adkgamers.com/index.php?app=awards but not http://www.adkgamers.com/awards/

So it does work now. Just not at the second link I provided.

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Love this awards mod. Simple and can be templated to fit our needs. Thanks for taking this up.

Thanks! With the aggro of machines failures and some angst with the first update I was wondering whether I should have released it.

If people who have upgraded to v3 could add five star rating for the file, the higher the number the more chuffed I will get about doing it :baby:
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... and gave up when it didn't get updated to support 3.2 (it finally was updated)

Same here, I liked the way Alec handled images and his approach, I am truely sorry he threw in the towel!

Just finished removing his copyright/name information frm the files. In case you are interested :rofl: the front end won't have any copyright or vanity lines just Awards!
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Just a matter of uploading the files by ftp and following the install / upgrade instructions.


Alright, but now I get this error.

Fatal error[color=#000000]: Undefined constant 'IPB_VERSION' in [/color]/home/rginvisi/public_html/admin/setup/sources/base/ipsRegistry_setup.php[color=#000000] on line [/color]163

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Alright, but now I get this error.

No idea are you running IPB 3.2 or 3.3? I have been testing on both with no issues likes that

Hey buddy, Question/suggestion, would be be possible to notify a member via email when they have been given an award?

Added to my ever growing list
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I wish soon there will be auto awarding for reputation, profile views etc...

You are going to need to wait a while for any of that stuff I am working on cleaning up various parts of the application.

Would it be possible to not truncate the award name at 35 characters?

Done for v3.0.1

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I had the other one award system installed which I uninstalled before uplaoding this one, How do I solve this? Cheers.

It has nothing to do with your install.... seems the previous app did not drop certain columns from members when uninstalling... hence what is occurring.... If the previous application properly set up the install files, the field would have been dropped on uninstall.

You will need to go in with phpMyAdmin (or similar) and remove those fields from the table manually. It is nothing to do with the install except of course that the field conflicts. You might want to wait for v3 which I am trying to finish off but my win doze machine just died and I am trying to restore it.

I'd like to note that the other awards mods does not use the above columns and never has. (inv) Awards does use those columns, so what I would surmise is that Deano© used (inv) Awards, then switched to my app, and now has switched back to JLogica's version of (inv) Awards.
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