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Why can't the popup-login box auto-adjust?


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I posted a bug about this but wasn't considered as one by the staff. Currently, if you hit login and resize your browser, the login popup won't auto-adjust. That leaves the possibility of it going off screen.

I saw a working demo of an auto-adjusting pop-up box on opencart, and I was wondering why something like that wasn't implemented on IPB?


Click on privacy policy

Now resize your browser


Now try the same with the IPB login popup

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There would never be a reasson to have login resisable that I can see.

That said, I think IPS( like many other software to be fair) has gone popup crazy. If it continues on the present trend, we will someday have posts in a popup.

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That said, I think IPS( like many other software to be fair) has gone popup crazy. If it continues on the present trend, we will someday have posts in a popup.

Well, at the same time popup-blockers once again spread, as well as JS/flash-blockers... at least in my surroundings. But then again, they aren't really representative %7Boption%7D
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Really? How often do you resize your window when you're actually doing something? I've never, ever, ever resized my window once I click login on a website.

lol, what a very constructive post there. Just because you don't do it, must mean it doesn't need looking at.

Anyway I agree, that it should be looked at. No matter how small the issue, and seeing as windows 7 has a snap view. If done during that process, then it should reposition itself.
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lol, what a very constructive post there. Just because you don't do it, must mean it doesn't need looking at.

Anyway I agree, that it should be looked at. No matter how small the issue, and seeing as windows 7 has a snap view. If done during that process, then it should reposition itself.

I never said it shouldn't be looked at, I just implied that this should be low priority.
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