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3.2 Disable/Enable fast reply gone?


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We simply can't keep every option ever available forever in the software. Sometimes progress requires us to remove antiquated features or options.

We did not remove any 'feature' here. We removed a setting that allowed you to disable a feature, because that setting was added back in a time when bandwidth was a larger concern. Some administrators may not have wanted the fast reply on the page because they had many dialup users connecting, and the javascript and additional markup and styling would have slowed the topic view page down. Today, this is a non-issue (comparatively it is a minor amount of transfer, and very few users remain on dialup as a general rule - at the very least, they are the minority now).


thanks brandon -- but I don't see how to modify the templates to remove the quick reply without also killing off the "quote" button.

(my template-fu is not yet strong enough i guess.)

It can be done (I also added another reply button at the bottom of the page after I removed the fast reply)

To disable the Fast Reply

ACP> Look & Feel tab> Manage templates & CSS> Templates tab> Topic View> topicViewTemplate

Add the code below at the top of the page

<style type="text/css">
.ipsFloatingAction {
    display: none;

Then find and comment out the code below with the red

<if test="fastReply:|:$displayData['fast_reply'] && $displayData['reply_button']['url']">
<hr />

<!--<div class='ipsBox' id='fast_reply_wrapper'>
<div class='ipsBox_container ipsPad'>
<h1 class='ipsType_subtitle'>{$this->lang->words['topic_add_reply']}</h1>
<if test="isLockedFR:|:$topic['state'] == 'closed'"><span class='error'>{$this->lang->words['locked_reply_fr']}</span><br /></if>
<br />
<if test="isMember:|:$this->memberData['member_id']">
<a href="{parse url="showuser={$this->memberData['member_id']}" seotitle="{$this->memberData['members_seo_name']}" template="showuser" base="public"}" title='{$this->lang->words['your_profile']}' class='ipsUserPhotoLink left'><img src='{$this->memberData['pp_small_photo']}' alt="{parse expression="sprintf($this->lang->words['users_photo'],$this->memberData['members_display_name'])"}" class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_medium' /></a>
<else />
<div class='left'>{IPSMember::buildNoPhoto(0, 'small' )}</div>
<div class='ipsBox_withphoto clearfix'>
<form action="{parse url="" base="public"}" method="post" id='ips_fastReplyForm'>
<input type="hidden" name="app" value="forums" />
<input type="hidden" name="module" value="post" />
<input type="hidden" name="section" value="post" />
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="reply_post_do" />
<input type="hidden" name="f" value="{$forum['id']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="t" value="{$topic['tid']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="st" value="{$this->request['st']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="auth_key" value="{$this->member->form_hash}" />
<input type="hidden" name="fast_reply_used" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="enableemo" value="yes" />
<input type="hidden" name="enablesig" value="yes" />
<if test="$this->memberData['auto_track']">
<input type="hidden" name="enabletrack" value="1" />
<if test="is_array($topic['_fastReplyStatusMessage']) AND count($topic['_fastReplyStatusMessage']) AND strlen($topic['_fastReplyStatusMessage'][0])">
<div class='message'>{parse expression="implode( '<br />', $topic['_fastReplyStatusMessage'] )"}</div>
{parse editor="Post" options="array( 'type' => 'full', 'minimize' => 1, 'isTypingCallBack' => 'ipb.topic.isTypingCallBack', 'height' => 180, 'autoSaveKey' => 'reply-' . $topic[tid], 'warnInfo' => 'fastReply', 'modAll' => $topic['_fastReplyModAll'] )"}
<br />

<fieldset class='right' id='fast_reply_controls'>
<input type='submit' name="submit" class='input_submit' value='{$this->lang->words['qr_post']}' tabindex='1' accesskey='s' id='submit_post' />&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type='submit' name="preview" class='input_submit alt' value='{$this->lang->words['qr_more_opts']}' tabindex='0' id='full_compose' />
<div id='ips_HasReplies'></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
ipb.topic.fastReplyId = '{$this->settings['_lastEditorId']}';
<else />
<if test="loadJsManually:|:$displayData['load_editor_js']">
{parse template="editorLoadJs" group="editors" params="$displayData['smilies']"}

<!-- Close topic -->


It can be done (I also added another reply button at the bottom of the page after I removed the fast reply)

To disable the Fast Reply

ACP> Look & Feel tab> Manage templates & CSS> Templates tab> Topic View> topicViewTemplate

Add the code below at the top of the page

<style type="text/css">
.ipsFloatingAction {
    display: none;

Then find and comment out the code below with the red

Thanks for this, it does indeed seem to remove the quick reply, but it creates more problems -- the quote buttons are no longer functional!

Is there any way to make those buttons work properly with the regular reply form?



We simply can't keep every option ever available forever in the software. Sometimes progress requires us to remove antiquated features or options.

We did not remove any 'feature' here. We removed a setting that allowed you to disable a feature, because that setting was added back in a time when bandwidth was a larger concern. Some administrators may not have wanted the fast reply on the page because they had many dialup users connecting, and the javascript and additional markup and styling would have slowed the topic view page down. Today, this is a non-issue (comparatively it is a minor amount of transfer, and very few users remain on dialup as a general rule - at the very least, they are the minority now).

The problem I have here is that you went half-way. If bandwidth is really no problem at all, the quick reply box should contain all the regular trappings of a reply form -- including (critically) the 'upload file' option. Users shouldn't be forced to click another box for 'more reply options' for something as pedestrian as a file upload, right?


The problem I have here is that you went half-way. If bandwidth is really no problem at all, the quick reply box should contain all the regular trappings of a reply form -- including (critically) the 'upload file' option. Users shouldn't be forced to click another box for 'more reply options' for something as pedestrian as a file upload, right?

We (largely) agree and this is something we intend to look into for the 4.0 Suite. :)


Just to help out anyone who is hitting this thread,

Genestoy's instructions above do work for removing quick reply, but on my system at least the Quote button didn't work (you'd click it & it would just sit there.)

To fix it --

Go to the template Topic -> Post


<li><a href="{parse url="module=post&amp;section=post&amp;do=reply_post&amp;f={$this->request['f']}&amp;t={$this->request['t']}&amp;qpid={$post['post']['pid']}" base="publicWithApp"}"  class='_ips_trigger_quote ipsButton_secondary' pid="{$post['post']['pid']}" title="{$this->lang->words['tt_reply_to_post']}">{$this->lang->words['post_reply']}</a></li> 

and just remove "_ips_trigger_quote" .

The quote button then renders properly, and when clicked will launch the reply box with the quoted text.


Just to help out anyone who is hitting this thread,

Genestoy's instructions above do work for removing quick reply, but on my system at least the Quote button didn't work (you'd click it & it would just sit there.)

Ah, you are correct as I have removed the "Quote" button and re-named the "Multiquote" to "Quote" and only use that one button as it does both a single quote and multiquote so using the instructions above works for just the multiquote button. My members are also seniors and the fewer buttons the better!

  • 2 months later...

Does this also work for guests only?

I would like to remove the 'quick reply' and the 'quote' & 'multiquote' buttons for guests only.

Do you have any idea about how to approach this issue?


FWIW, I've had quick reply turned off in forums where I only wanted slow, considered replies. Trivial though it may seem that barrier of the extra click puts off people who just want to post a quick 'LOL' or 'I agree'.

  • 2 months later...


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