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Download: (SN30) PM Viewer 1.5.0


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File Name: (SN30) PM Viewer 1.5.0
File Submitter: signet51
File Submitted: 28 Jul 2009
File Updated: 25 Jun 2010
File Category: Applications

This private conversation viewer application created by signet51, is compatible with IPB 3.0.x allows administrators to view only conversation titles, or be able to read all conversations contents, this is made possible by IPB 3's ability to set permission masks for applications, so you can stop other admins viewing the message content, while still enabling them to see the titles of each conversation. In versions 1.3.* and later you now have the ability to delete messages completely so they will no longer appear in the participants message inboxes, and to join conversations so you can participate in them. Now in version 1.5 we are introducing support for viewing and downloading attachments and the editing of messages. There is no indication on the public side that you have read the message or downloaded an attachment using this modification.

This is achieved with no required file edits. There are OPTIONAL file edits to allow messages to be logged when users delete them.

Note: signet51 Modding does NOT support reading members messages behind their backs. If you are going to use this application to read messages, please add the enclosed skin edits to your skins, however these are entirely optional.

Version 1.1 Changes:
* Instead of showing each message as a pop up, messages are now shown in a continuous topic view.
* Enabled bbcode parsing if allowed in messages
* Enabled html parsing if allowed in messages
* Put a limit on the number of members details that are requested as invitees of the message.
* Fixed incorrect link.

Version 1.2 Changes:
* Added search function for member name as starter or recipient, easily search for all messages started by member/sent to member, and search for a topic title.
* Added ability to hide conversations from the PM Viewer (Note, they are not deleted and can still be read by the members, they will just not show up in the viewer unless you use a SQL query to make the conversation visible again).
* Added ability to show conversations only started by or with the conversations primary recipient being a member from a particular group, and hide conversations sent to or started by a member from a particular group. (I.e. show all conversations sent by people in the 'Member' user group unless they involve an Admin).

Version 1.2.1 Changes:
* Fixed a bug that occured when the server was using a mysql version that was older than 5.1.0.

Version 1.3.0 Changes:
* Fixed various bugs.
* Added ability to completley delete conversations.
* Added ability to join conversations.

Version 1.4.0 Changes:
* Added ability to stop system messages from being shown (profile comment notifications, friend requests, reports, etc)
* Reduced the number of queries on topic view
* Added ability to search the entire contents of posts
* Added setting to make it only show conversations featuring one of the inputted keywords
* Added optional file edits allowing messages to be logged when users delete them
* Added ability to block and unblock users
* Added ability to delete indiviual message posts
* Added a tool to unhide all topics
* Added menu button directing to settings
* Added message that will appear when a new version is available for download
* Using the 'go to last post' button will now send you to the last page correctly
* Fixed a few other small bugs

Version 1.4.1 Changes:
* Added tool to delete entire pm viewer deleted log contents (useful for keeping the size of them down but use with caution!)
* Enhanced the update available message
* Fixed bug related to deleting messages causing a rebuild error
* Changed the way the PM Viewer gathers the conversations and posts to limit the amount of memory used
* Changed layout of permissions screen

Version 1.4.2 Changes:
* Fixed bug preventing languages from being installed

Version 1.5.0 Changes:
* Added attachment support, so those who have permission will be able to see attachments in conversation view and download them
* Added the ability to edit messages
* Added colouring of group names when listing messages
* Draft and system messages will now be indicated and restrict editing, joining and blocking of members properly
* Fixed bug related to notifications in 3.1 causing the URL to become malformed when you join a conversation
* Fixed bug concerning the logging of messages
* Fixed bug related to the joining of deleted messages, which are now restored correctly

Click here to download this file

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[quote name='Faraaz Sareshwala' date='20 February 2010 - 12:43 PM' timestamp='1266698595' post='1915812']
Hi, great mod! Quick question: are you going to add a search for the content of the PM itself? Seems like that feature is missing :(.

Thanks again!

The author of the mod is no longer +Active, and as such, no longer has access to the download topics here.
(someone correct me if I am wrong...)

It also appears from his profile that no longer checks these forums.
Your best bet would be to PM him.

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