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Anyone else getting Login failure today?

Mark H.

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Got to the forum just now, and couldn't login with the credentials that worked yesterday (username and pass). Even my email and pass wouldn't work.

But I logged in to Resource and company site with email/pass just fine.

Ended up using my OpenID login to get in here.

Is anyone else having this happen?

EDIT: Good god. Almost ALL my "read topic" markers have been reset to sometime in early July!

FURTHER EDIT: And a bunch of them have been reset completely. EVERY post is "new" is some forums.

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Just got off the phone with Nakisha. A number of customers are reporting same, and a Dev has been alerted.

In the meantime, *IF* you have an OpenID and if that URL was entered in "My Settings", you can login that way.

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Thanks for posting about this... I'd just put in a ticket about some wacky password recovery problems on my hosted board, then wandered over here, couldnt login, and couldn't reset the password either.

I was starting to think it was a conspiracy!

(What, me paranoid? No way! The tinfoil hat is just a fashion statement)

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