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Disable Emoticons Globally

William Warby

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Ours is a corporate Intranet implementation. Smiley faces are not appropriate in this environment and there seems to be no option to disable emoticons across the board. I have done the best I can which is to remove all the emoticons from the default set and deny permission to use them, but the button still appears in the post editor. I would like to be able to disable them globally.

Whilst I'm requesting stuff, there really ought to be a "corporate" set of options where you can disable all the Internet fluff features at once - emoticons, birthdays, "friends", personal messages, instant messenger fields on profiles, avatars and so on. Most of this can be disabled already but it's all in different places. Surely it's a common requirement to use IPB in this way?

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(+) for your suggestion.

I know I'd never use it (at least not for my own boards), but I can see the definite benefits for business oriented sites where fun stuff needs to be discouraged so as to not distract from the work at hand.

To add onto your suggestion, perhaps a way to import a series of "default settings", so a business oriented board could import a business group of settings, which would turn off such items as emoticons and reputations, etc, while another group would enable all the fun extras and yet another group of imported settings would impose strict security or an open forum, etc.

Then when someone sets up a new board (or upgrades), they can read what settings are used and could download and import the one that matches their preference, instead of them having to make a lot of changes that might reflect how many others are set up as well. Sort of profiling, where you import the profile your board wants to follow, then can tweak a few settings after that.

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  • 1 year later...

I also would like to see more admin control over emoticons in topic/post options and messages.

I deleted the emoticon option in topic/post options because I didn't want them trivializing and visually gunking up my board, which is about serious issues and has general users. (This was my first major skin edit.)

I left them in message options. Emoticons in postings are important for my group because some people can't express themselves that well and depend on them.

Further suggest, for a more compact interface, the emoticon panel be dual duty, to add to a topic/post and insert in a message, so it doesn't have to be repeated and take up screen real estate on the very important post screen.

Admin update of emoticons also has to be made more accessible, but y'all know that already...

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  • 1 year later...

I'm trying to publish some serious content on our IP.Content page and there is a lot of legal text with parenthesis and these very serious documents have smileys all over them and I can't find any way to make this not happen. The text needs to be displayed "as is".

I don't understand why this is the default behavior this is not a forum post it is an article. What organizations publish articles with smileys/emoticons in them?


I get it, its a forum suite. But IPS promotes themselves as being professional and even used to list all of their prestigious customers. This is making my organization look very unprofessional.

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I've not heard of this being asked for before however (not tested but I see no reason why it would not work)

You could delete them via Emoticon Management, then remove them from the filesystem (leave the actual style_emoticons folder there but empty apart from the index.htm file)

Remove them via the Emot Manager first before removing them from the file system.

EDIT... It might be possible to write a custom hook to prevent them from being parsed too, that might be an idea.

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"The default emoticon set cannot be deleted"

I don't mind emoticons in the forums. I just don't want to see them in articles.

Currently i am going through manually and adding a space in places to correct it.

For example very often things are listed as:

(a) blah blah blah

(b) blah blah

© blah

and i change it to this:

(a) blah blah blah

(b) blah blah

(c ) blah

Unfortunately this is very common format for these documents so I'm not going to get people to change it.


That's funny I don't get the © problem i get a smiley more often via (b)

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oh i see.. I went in and deleted the ones that were causing issues. But now people can't use those on the forums, oh well.

what is the purpose of deleting them via the file system?

it would be nice to just tell IP.Content not to parse for emoticons... But that would probably end up breaking them in the comments section... What if you use forums for comments in articles?

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For your needs, I think an option to disable emoticons for that article/post would be a better choice. I thought there was a way to disable it but I couldn't find an option for it. A work-around would be to create a bbCode that would prevent parsing of things within it.

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So a BBCode configured to not allow other bbcodes within it will also block emoticons? Interesting, there are quite a few work arounds for this issue.Thanks.

This : ) inside of 'code' bbCode tags.
Outside of the tags it turns into :smile:
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crud, missed that stated in the reply.

yknow.... now that I really consider it.... why is there no 'allow emoticons' option on the Content editor field? :rofl:

Thus the basis for my earlier reply...

For your needs, I think an option to disable emoticons for that article/post would be a better choice. I thought there was a way to disable it but I couldn't find an option for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree.

In order for me to create ordered and unordered lists in an HTML page, I have to also create an additional CSS file for said page for the ordered and unordered lists to show. Seems like a lot of extra work for just one or two pages.

Creating a bbcode page takes a lot of that work out, but then I am left with a bunch of emoticons when I have a "(b)" somewhere on my page.

Being able to disable emoticons on IP.Content pages would be nice.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Anyone know if this is possible yet?

I'm getting the "(b)" error when posting an article and I'd rather not have to delete the emoticons because they are just fine for my community. It is turning into :cool:

If not, I have a feature request for IP.Content in IPS4!!

EDIT/UPDATE: I found away around by renaming the emoticons but that would cause a problem if I had A LOT of emoticons that were simply D: or (: or :S and stuff like that.

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