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spell Checker?

Guest Sinistra

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Anyone who uses Bon Echo Alpha 3 (aka Firefox 2.0) has inline spell checking by default. According to bfarber, anyone who uses IE (which isn't "the devil," by the way) will also have spell check integrated into the rich-text editor. Not to mention it's also available via IESpell. I really don't think IPB needs its own integrated spell checker, and it would only really be beneficial to users of Opera or Safari, or other browsers that don't yet have integrated spell checking.

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This would be something very nice to have, even if it wasnt real time and loaded like it does with Microsoft Word (not counting the red sqigles). It would be better than nothing.... phpSpell ( a mod ) does this, but it's implementation, last time I checked, is far from perfect. It shows BBCode and HTML. Would be nice to have something like that in a dom-drag window, that works perfectly (hiding html and bbcode).

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